Page 282 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 282

Why businesses shouldn’t forget about existing teams

            Closing  the  cyber  gap  requires  robust  recruitment  strategies,  but  it's  equally  crucial  not  to  neglect
            investment in your current team.

            Currently, there's a disconnect between hiring policies and the desires of cyber and IT professionals on
            the  ground.  To  bridge  this  gap  effectively,  collaboration  between  recruiters,  HR,  talent  teams,  and
            industry  professionals  is  essential.  This  collaboration  should  result  in  more  creative  and  practical
            approaches to candidate assessment.

            Simultaneously, organizations must prioritize fostering morale, well-being, and talent development within
            their existing teams. Cybersecurity and IT professionals thrive when inspired and challenged.

            Therefore, they require transformative, creative, and engaging upskilling approaches to stay ahead of
            evolving threats and remain fulfilled in their careers.

            While cybersecurity offers immense rewards, the persisting skills gap hinders the success of future talent.
            Although change takes time, one immediate priority must be an unwavering focus on practical skills. This
            emphasis is pivotal in empowering professionals to combat cyber threats effectively.

            For  further  insights,  read  Hack  The  Box’s  latest  report  ‘Securing  the  future  of  cybersecurity:  From
            classroom to every career stage

            About the Author

            Haris Pylarinos, is the founder and CEO of Hack The Box. My vision is to
            connect and upskill the cybersecurity community worldwide. I have disrupted
            the  industry  by  introducing  Hack  The  Box  to  the  world,  along  with  its
            innovative  holistic  360º  approach  to  cyber  workforce  development,
            assessment, and recruitment.

            Haris leads the company’s expansion worldwide, managing to grow Hack
            The Box exponentially. Under my leadership, the team has scaled to over
            260 employees and over 2.5 million platform members since its launch in

            In  addition  to  my  role  at  Hack  The  Box,  Haris  has  over  15  years  of  experience  and  expertise  in
            cybersecurity and systems engineering. I also possess a strong background in Networking and Software

            Haris can be reached online at  and
            at our company website /

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