Page 279 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 279

Once a holistic GRC solution has been implemented, the benefits become clear almost immediately.
            Because  holistic  GRC  allows  risk  professionals  to  illustrate  risk  and  security  challenges  using  the
            language of business, it becomes far easier for organizational leaders to see a return on their investment.
            Generating the necessary buy-in can be a challenge, but once an organization adopts a more holistic
            approach to GRC, they don’t look back.

            Making GRC a critical part of business decisions

            As the technology needed to handle GRC in a holistic manner has become more widely available, a
            growing  number  of  organizations  are  shifting  the  way  they  handle  risk  and  compliance.  For  risk,
            compliance, and security professionals, those changes are almost universally positive, allowing them to
            more effectively gauge how changing variables will affect the organization’s overall risk posture. The
            ability to leverage holistic GRC to illustrate the business impact of certain decisions enshrines GRC as a
            critical element of the decision-making process, ensuring that risk stays front of mind for organizational
            leaders.  While  generating  the  buy-in  needed  to  shift  the  organization’s  approach  to  GRC  can  be  a
            challenge, the return on investment for doing so is both swift and significant.

            About the Author
            Matt Kunkel is the CEO and Co-Founder at LogicGate, a SaaS platform that
            operationalizes Regulatory, Risk & Compliance programs for organizations.
            Prior to LogicGate, he spent over a decade in the management consulting
            space  building  custom  technology  solutions  to  run  regulatory,  risk,  and
            compliance programs for Fortune 100 companies. He has raised ~10 million
            dollars  in  capital  funding  and  has  led  the  company  through  both  rapid
            headcount and customer growth.

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