Page 258 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 258

Automatic Incident Responses

            Plenty  of  companies  lose  precious  data  to  breaches  due  to  slow  response.  This  can  become  very
            problematic, especially for those whose employees are set in different geographic points. The severity of
            the incident could also be misread due to human error, leading to more considerable losses. AI improves
            this by automatically responding to incidents, blocking suspicious traffic, and categorizing it based on
            severity. When used together with human intelligence, a better and faster decision can be taken to reduce
            the impact of a breach.

            Stronger Access Control

            Plenty of breaches have been caused by fraudulent use of usernames and passwords leaked due to a
            breach. Once a hacker gains possession of the information, nothing can stop them from entering and
            taking the data as if they are the owner. AI can significantly change this due to its ability to spot anomalies
            within a system. Its algorithm can analyze behavior and login patterns, identify minor issues, and alert
            the  organization.  Biometric  authentication  based  on  AI  has  also  become  common,  ensuring  that  no
            authorized users are accessing the information.

            Key Facts of AI in Cybersecurity

            AI has already brought numerous changes to the cybersecurity world, some of which are expected to
            have a significant impact. Below are some notable facts:

               •  An 18% increase in cybersecurity vulnerabilities was reported compared to 2018.
               •  As  little  as  8%  of  erroneous  training  data  can  decrease  the  accuracy  of  AI  by  up  to  75%,
                   significantly reducing reliability.
               •  About  85%  of  cybersecurity  professionals  claim  that  AI  powers  the  most  recent  cybercrime
               •  In  contrast,  cybersecurity  personnel  will rely  more  on  AI  to  close  security  gaps,  with  82%  of
                   respondents believing job efficiency will increase.
               •  The market size for AI in cybersecurity management is expected to grow to 133.8 billion, a number
                   that is almost nine times higher compared to 2021.

            While AI used in cybersecurity may have its flaws, its use outbalances the risks, mitigating the new risks
            brought on by recent cybersecurity attacks.

            Concluding Remarks

            The rise of AI is becoming more prominent as we speak and will likely affect the world of cybersecurity
            on both ends. However, companies can harvest the benefits of technology to improve their security,
            protecting against external threats. Artificial intelligence is still limited nowadays, but considering its rapid
            evolution, it will likely become a powerful tool to enhance security and create responses to threats.

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