Page 197 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 197

Efficacy-Based  Underwriting:  A  Must-Have

            in The Face of Cybercrime

            James  Gerber,  Chief  Financial  Officer  at  SimSpace,  discusses  why  efficacy-based  cyber
            insurance underwriting offers a useful alternative to current, and failing, underwriting models.

            By James Gerber, CFO at SimSpace

            The world is witnessing a watershed moment in cybercrime, reflected in a 15% increase in ransomware
            attacks between 2022 and 2023 – and now including dual ransomware, for those who are counting. Over
            the last five years, organizations have continued to spend more and more on cyber defense tools and
            yet, only 25% of organizations report that they are ‘extremely confident’ in their team’s ability to respond
            to a ransomware event. This paints a worrying picture about the future of cybersecurity and our ability to
            insure its risks.

            Last  year,  60,000  emails  from  U.S.  State  Department  accounts  were  stolen  after  Chinese  hackers
            breached Microsoft’s cloud-based Exchange email platform. Clorox lost their ability to provide products

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