Page 193 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 193

Here’s a basic example of elliptic curve operations over a finite field F p where p is a prime number:

               1.  Point Addition: Given two points ( P ) and ( Q ) on the curve, the sum ( P + Q ) is the point ( R )
                   that lies on the line intersecting both ( P ) and ( Q ) but reflected over the x-axis.
               2.  Point Doubling: When ( P = Q ), the line tangent to the point on the curve will intersect the curve
                   at another point, which when reflected over the x-axis gives the result of ( P + P ) or ( 2P ).
               3.  Scalar Multiplication: This involves adding a point to itself repeatedly, which is computationally
                   intensive and forms the basis for the security of ECC. For example, computing ( kP ) means
                   adding ( P ) to itself ( k ) times.

            Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a type of cryptography that involves using the mathematics of elliptic
            curves to secure data. To understand it from a beginner’s perspective, let’s break it down:

               1.  Cryptography Basics: At its core, cryptography is about securing communication so that only the
                   intended recipient can understand the message. Traditional methods use complex algorithms to
                   scramble data into unreadable formats that can only be deciphered with a specific key.
               2.  What Are Elliptic Curves?: Imagine drawing a smooth, symmetrical curve on a graph, similar to a
                   sideways “S” shape. This is a simplified view of an elliptic curve. It’s a type of mathematical curve
                   that has some fascinating properties, which make it useful for cryptography.
               3.  Why  Use  Elliptic  Curves?:  Elliptic  curves  are  used  in  cryptography  because  they  offer  high
                   security with smaller key sizes. This means that to achieve the same level of security, ECC can
                   use a smaller key than other types of cryptography, like RSA. This results in faster computations
                   and less storage space needed, which is especially beneficial for devices with limited resources,
                   like smartphones.

            What common cryptography algorithms implement ECC?

            Several cryptographic algorithms leverage the properties of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) to provide
            security for digital communications and data. Some of the most common ones include:

               1.  Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA): This is used for digital signatures, similar to
                   the way RSA is used but with the benefits of smaller key sizes and faster computation that ECC
                   provides. ECDSA is widely used in various security protocols and applications, including SSL/TLS
                   certificates and cryptocurrency wallets.
               2.  Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH): An algorithm for key agreement that allows two parties,
                   each having an elliptic curve public-private key pair, to establish a shared secret over an insecure
                   channel. This shared secret can then be used to encrypt subsequent communications. ECDH is
                   used in many secure communication protocols, including HTTPS and VPNs.
               3.  Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES): This is a hybrid encryption scheme which
                   combines  the  benefits  of  ECC  for  key  exchange  with  the  performance  of  symmetric  key
                   cryptography for encrypting data. ECIES is used in scenarios where both secure key exchange
                   and data encryption are required.

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