Page 184 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 184

Therefore, what measures should be taken to ensure the secure protection of this digital vault? Let us
            delve into the concealed cybersecurity threats associated with eDiscovery and explore strategies for
            fortifying the safeguarding of your data.

            The Bullseye on Your Back: Where's the Risk?

            Throughout  the  process  of  eDiscovery, data  remains  in  a  constant  state  of  flux.  It  is  gathered  from
            different devices, transferred to review platforms, and potentially disclosed to opposing parties. At each
            stage of this expedition, there is a potential weakness. Here are a few typical risks:

               •  Data Breaches: Cybercriminals are always trying to get their hands on valuable information. In
                   other words, you must always safeguard your enemies. This  means securing your networks,
                   avoiding phishing programs, and fighting malware. If you don’t, you run the risk of having sensitive
                   papers exposed and attorney-client privilege endangered by data breaches.
               •  Accidental Leaks: A mere human mistake, such as erroneously sending an email to an incorrect
                   recipient,  can  lead  to  catastrophic  outcomes.  Given  the  abundance  of  data  transmission,
                   inadvertent data releases become a genuine likelihood.
               •  Insider Threats: Regrettably, not all individuals can be relied upon. Dissatisfied employees or
                   vendors who have authorization to your system may engage in the unauthorized acquisition or
                   disclosure of sensitive information.
               •  Data  Loss:  This  can  happen  due  to  hardware  breakdowns,  natural  calamities, or  by  people
                   making accidental mistakes. Without extensive backups, the entirety of your case could be in

            Building Your Digital Fortress:  Strategies for Secure eDiscovery

            Having recognized the adversaries, it is now pertinent to discuss safeguarding your digital fortress. Here
            are a few essential tactics:

               •  Secure your network: Ensure robust passwords, implement firewalls and employ encryption.
                   Regard your network security as a technologically advanced barrier with eDiscovery software –
                   make unauthorized access arduous.
               •  Embrace  encryption:  This  is  imperative  as  it  involves  the  process  of  encoding  information,
                   rendering it indecipherable to unauthorized individuals lacking the appropriate decryption key.
                   Ensure that your data remains encrypted while stored on devices and during its transmission.
               •  Access controls: They should be implemented to ensure that only those with a legitimate need
                   for  access  are  granted  permission.  It  is  crucial  to  adopt  a  system  based  on  the  principle  of
                   providing access according to necessity.
               •  Empower Your Team: The key to protecting your organization lies in equipping your employees
                   with knowledge. Fully train your staff about the cybersecurity protocol and educate them well on
                   preventing phishing as well as avoid random data leakage.

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