Page 180 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 180


            1. Set Objectives: Security as the North Star

               •  Business Alignment: Identify how robust cloud security supports your company's core goals. Are
                   you  protecting  customer-sensitive  data,  ensuring  system  uptime,  or  demonstrating  rigorous
                   protection for market leadership?
               •  Compliance Focus: Outline which regulations (e.g., HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, etc.) apply to your
                   cloud operations based on your industry and the data you handle.
               •  Cloud Model Assessment: Determine how your specific cloud model (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) impacts
                   your security needs and responsibilities.

            2. Visualize: Map Your Cloud Kingdom

               •  Comprehensive  Inventory:  List  every  cloud  asset  (virtual  machines,  databases,  containers,
                   serverless functions, etc.), their interactions, and cloud provider configurations.
               •  Hybrid/Multi-Cloud Complexity: Pay extra attention to how data flows and security controls differ
                   when you have multiple cloud providers or on-premises integration points.
               •  Compliance Checkpoints: Map the movement of regulated data within your system, ensuring it
                   aligns with the requirements you outlined in Step 1.

            3. Identify Threats: Think Like a Cloud-Aware Attacker

               •  Beyond  the  Usual  Suspects:  Consider  threat  vectors  unique  to  cloud  or  exacerbated  by  it  -
                   misconfigurations, compromised cloud accounts, supply chain vulnerabilities.

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