Page 144 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 144

the  much  larger  collections  of  sensitive  user  data  accessible  on  the  servers  that  support  the  app
            frontends. Bad actors meticulously plan and construct attacks for backend systems by first deciphering
            and analyzing communication patterns used by apps. Armed with this knowledge, they then craft scripts,
            bots,  or  replacement/repackaged  apps  that  replicate  legitimate  communications,  enabling  them  to
            perform their malicious activities.

            While the threat landscape predominantly resides on the API side, it's crucial to recognize that effective
            defense should begin in the app. App attestation involves embedding mechanisms within the application
            to verify its integrity and to ensure interactions with backend APIs only originate from authentic, unaltered
            instances of the app. By prioritizing app attestation as a fundamental security measure, developers lay a
            solid foundation for comprehensive app-based protection. Traditional Runtime Application Self Protection
            (RASP)  defenses  can  then  build  on  this  to  strengthen  resilience  against  attacks  that  dynamically
            manipulate the behavior of a legitimate app running in a compromised environment such as rooted or
            jailbroken devices.

            At its heart, app attestation uses a positive security model, analogous to user authentication. Scripts,
            bots, or counterfeit/tampered apps are all blocked because none of these can present themselves as
            legitimate  to  the  protected  services.  Additionally,  app  attestation  doesn’t  falsely  identify  good  app
            instances as bad, as is sometimes the case with AI based API defenses. With the addition of RASP, apps
            can also actively  defend  themselves  against  on-device attacks  attempting  to directly  manipulate  the
            behavior of the untampered app to circumvent attestation, harvest sensitive data, or perform illegitimate
            or unauthorized transactions.

            Pioneering  security  companies  developed  app  attestation  solutions  to  enhance  mobile  app  security
            beginning around 2016. The evolution of their services includes not only user-driven enhancements, such
            as  the  dynamic  delivery  of  API  keys  to  verified  apps  and  the  implementation  of  dynamic  certificate
            pinning, but also a stronger security posture. Enhancements encompass the integration of sophisticated
            Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) defenses, including the detection of rooted or jailbroken
            devices,  the  identification  of  root  hiding  software  like  Magisk,  and  the  monitoring  for  runtime  app
            manipulation tools such as Frida and Xposed. Moreover, these solutions also tackle threats that do not
            require  root  access,  such  as  app  cloning  and  the  use  of  game  cheat  engines.  Continuously,  these
            companies are dedicated to educating app developers about the security threats their APIs may face and
            collaboratively work with their clients to mitigate emerging threats.

            Counter to Andeer’s statement, denying the presence of 1st party security services, Apple released a set
            of app attestation APIs in 2020, App Attest. While this attestation solution provides a level of security for
            iOS applications that use it, it fails to provide protection when operated from a jailbroken device. So, in
            effect, even when App Attest is in use, there remains a requirement for a 3rd party security service to
            detect and identify those apps operating in a compromised environment. This highlights the need for API
            security to secure every access path. It is not sufficient to cover 99.9% of accesses as an attacker will
            always gravitate towards the easiest method of access and failing to cover a class of device is effectively
            the same as having no cover at all.

            Google followed Apple by releasing its own app attestation solution for Android as part of Google Play in
            2022,  the  Play  Integrity  API.  Their  approach  is  slightly  different,  instead  of  a  strict  good/bad  result,
            Google’s service can report different levels of integrity for the device running the attestation: basic, device

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