Page 140 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Annual RSA Edition for 2024
P. 140

Business Impact Analysis

            Based  on  available  public  reports  approximately  31%  of  enterprises  are  compelled  to  halt  their
            operations, either temporarily or permanently, in the aftermath of a ransomware onslaught. The ripple
            effects extend beyond operational disruptions, as detailed by additional metrics:

               •  A significant 40% of affected organizations are forced into downsizing their workforce due to the
                   financial strain caused by the attack.
               •  The aftermath sees 35% of businesses experiencing turnover at the executive level, with C-suite
                   members stepping down in the wake of the security breach.
               •  The financial toll of cyber incidents is staggering, with the average cost burden to companies,
                   irrespective of their size, estimated at around $200,000. This figure underscores the substantial
                   economic impact of cyber threats.
               •  Alarmingly, 75% of small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face existential threats, admitting
                   the likelihood of closure should cybercriminals extort them for ransom to avoid malware infection.
               •  The long-term viability of these entities is also in jeopardy, with 60% of small businesses shutting
                   down within six months post-attack, highlighting the enduring impact of such security breaches.
               •  Even in instances where ransoms are not conceded to, organizations bear significant financial
                   weight in their recovery and remediation endeavors to restore normalcy and secure their systems.

             External Threat Landscape Management (Etlm) Overview

            Impact Assessment

            Ransomware represents a formidable threat, presenting challenges for both companies and individuals
            by pilfering critical data and subsequently demanding payment for its release. The aftermath of these
            attacks  often  leads  to  substantial  financial  losses,  whether  incurred  through  ransom  payment  or
            investments in cybersecurity solutions for restoration. Moreover, financial setbacks extend to disrupted
            services, diminished customer trust, and the emotional distress inflicted upon affected entities. Beyond
            immediate  financial concerns,  such  incidents  can  breach  data  regulation  laws,  impacting  reputation,
            consumer trust, and market confidence. Consequently, addressing ransomware emerges as a paramount
            priority for businesses and government organizations alike to fortify financial stability and public trust.


            Currently,  threat  actors  focus  on  targeting  businesses  possessing  valuable  data,  including  personal
            details, financial information, and intellectual property. Industries such as Manufacturing, Real Estate,
            Healthcare, FMCG, E-commerce, Finance, and Technology are particularly susceptible due to their data
            abundance. Cybercriminals strategically choose countries with robust economies and advanced digital

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