Page 229 - Cyber Defense eMagazine June 2024
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can offer a lot, but cannot provide an absolute assurance as those using such solutions and services will
            never  be  remained  in  the  peace  for  a  reason  some  risk  must  be  chronically  present  concerning
            gatekeepers in their mission to even reduce that unwanted pillar, so far. On the other hand, the fourth
            industrial revolution has brought a heap of new technological systems such as an artificial intelligence
            (AI) being in its weak phase of the deployment and many recognized researchers believe a strong age
            of the AI yet needs to come leaving a lot of places to those who are looking for applied AI outcomes. The
            point is scientists, engineers and innovators of nowadays must serve hard in order to make a marriage
            between extremely demanding cyber defense usages and truly promising AI perspectives as those two
            areas should live in harmony, synergy and collaboration with one another, because those both disciplines
            of science and practice are still on their road to get much more developed and deeply applied in a very
            dynamic  and  complicated  surrounding,  so  far.  The  purpose  of  this  article  is  to  offer  some  initial
            suggestions,  letting  a  potential  for  much  deeper  research,  which  should  open  up  a  true  scientific,
            professional and expert’s discussion about the pluses and minuses of those quite close, but yet not
            completely explored areas of technology.

            The  low-voltage  electronics  systems  have  noticed  their  boom  after  the  World  War  2  bringing  with
            themselves some practical applications of the binary algebra which have led to the digitalization as it is
            well-known  today.  The  digital  technologies  are  widespread  worldwide  nowadays  and  many  have
            mastered how to design and produce some of such technical solutions which makes those endeavors
            being suitable and available to the majority of the international population, so far. In other words, when
            an offering is huge a pricing should be lower as the multinational giants, as well as some startups yet
            have an interest to overwhelm the marketplace with their products and services as getting something
            accessible to many means being better competitive then the rest of the competitors and providing a plenty
            of qualitative and still cost-effective outcomes. Indeed, the quality and price can go together as if the
            marketplace is big such a condition might cover all the offering’s expanses and yet count on some profit
            which can be, say, 2 or 3 percentages which is in case of ungreedy business more than sufficient which
            suggests it is worth of putting such a time and effort into that mission. Especially, it is interesting to
            mention that the majority of the hardware and electronic devices in a digital technology arena are made
            from semiconductors such as silicon which can be isolated from a sand being a building block for making
            something  cheap  and  yet functional  which  might  dramatically  impact  a curve  of  the  optimal  solution
            suggesting that the optimal product or service can provide a high functionality for a very reasonable price.
            It seems investing into research of the semiconductors technologies could be an extremely return-of-
            investment (ROI) process as it is truly needed to make some comparing of the industry being available
            at the present and the industry coming from such an inexpensive and anywhere reaching resource as
            the silicon is, so far. Further, from a strategic perspective, many world’s corporations and business actors
            have a deep influence on their governments and the other international organizations seeking from them
            to push some of their interests through a legal regulation which is well-accepted from a point of view of
            the national, regional and even global economies. Apparently, many could be lured to invest into such
            activities as their ROI could be good and to such an experience, the entire distribution of the progress at
            the  global  scale  could  be  accelerated requiring  less  time for  betterment and  prosperity  come  to the
            developing societies and even the most undeveloped parts of the world, so far. In addition, the humankind
            could  significantly  progress  as  a civilization  dealing  with the  equally  good  opportunities mainly to  all
            members of its family.

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