Page 98 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
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the wake of an attack like SolarWinds. If nothing else, enterprises should be aware of how their security
            capabilities are perceived by potential customers, clients, and partners.

            Leveling the Security Playing Field
            The recent rise in ransomware and other attacks using scan and exploit methodology has heightened
            the  importance  of  network  security  discoveries  and  the  identification  of  exploitable  protocols  within
            company topology. Organizations are—all too often—working off of incomplete or outdated asset lists
            that might be months old, years old, or worse. The larger the enterprise, the larger the digital footprint.
            Getting an outside-in perspective is the most effective way to accurately measure the size of that footprint.

            Ultimately, it is impossible to guard a door you don’t know is there. Getting an outside-in perspective can
            help identify vulnerabilities, identify IP addresses and other digital assets, and help companies find their
            blinds spots and plug security gaps. Attackers are conducting external scans every day. Performing their
            own can help today’s businesses understand what vulnerabilities those attackers are finding and deal
            with them accordingly.

            About the Author

                                       Alexander  Heid  serves  as  Chief  Research  &  Development  Officer  at
                                       SecurityScorecard. Heid joined the company in June 2014 and has been
                                       instrumental in developing the company’s threat reconnaissance capabilities
                                       and building its security-centric platform. A recognized expert in the field, he
                                       frequently presents at industry conferences and is sought out by the media
                                       and analysts to discuss cybersecurity issues. Prior to joining the company,
                                       Heid held senior security roles within the financial industry, and was a senior
                                       analyst at Prolexic Technologies during the #OpAbabil DDoS campaigns. In
                                       addition, he is co¬-founder and President/CEO of HackMiami and served as
                                       chapter chair for South Florida OWASP.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                98
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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