Page 96 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
P. 96

See What Hackers See via the Outside-In Perspective

                      By Alex Heid, Chief Research & Development Officer, SecurityScorecard

            There is value  in seeking out multiple perspectives. Even the most elite athletes have coaches  and
            trainers observing them and telling them ways to improve their performance, and the same principle
            applies in the world of cybersecurity. An organization locked into a narrow view of their cybersecurity
            posture, confidently believing that they are secure, might miss any number of potential warning signs.
            Unfortunately, the consequences are far worse than those that might befall an underperforming athlete,
            and we continue to see them play out on an almost daily basis.

            Today’s  cybercriminals  understand  both  the  most  common  cybersecurity  strategies  and  more
            sophisticated approaches, and have engineered innovative new ways to circumvent these controls. And
            while organizations may feel assured in their cybersecurity stance, they can only assess what they can
            see and know about, which is often limited to a point-in-time assessment of a certain set of variables
            such as IP addresses on a static asset list.
            This  lack  of  continuous  network  visibility  can  result  in  the  exploitation  of  vulnerabilities  that  the
            organization doesn’t know exist. Now, more than ever, it is critical for organizations to seek a continuous
            outside-in perspective on their network security perimeters, allowing them to see their network the way
            attackers do.

            Why Now?

            Networks have changed. In the past, enterprises were responsible for their own security, but today’s
            mass adoption of cloud infrastructure has blurred the lines of who is responsible for what aspects of

            Think of it as a “fortress” model of security versus an “ecosystem” model.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                96
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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