Page 83 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
P. 83

Best Practices for Mitigating Insider Threat Risks

            Despite the challenge of these evolving risks, there are best practices that organizations can employ to
            fortify their security posture and mitigate insider threats.

            How should companies mitigate those risks?
                       1.  Visibility
                          a.  Mandiant recommends organizations invest in purpose-built insider threat data loss
                              prevention  solutions  which  can  detect,  alert,  and  block  (if  necessary)  malicious
                              behavior as well as work while both being connected and disconnected to the internet.

                       2.  Least Privilege
                          a.  In both production and development networks, Mandiant recommends organizations
                              implement user access controls across all environments on their networks to ensure
                              users, developers, and administrators only have the necessary access to perform their
                              assigned responsibilities.
                          b.  Limit  and  audit  users who  can  create  accounts  in  on-premise  networks  and  cloud
                       3.  Logging
                          a.  Mandiant recommends logging and event aggregation sent to a Security Information
                              and  Event  Management  (SIEM)  system.  This  provides  a  level  of  mitigation  if  a
                              malicious insider attempts to clear logs, because separate, streamed logs to another
                              system would be available.
                       4.  Network Segmentation

                          a.  Mandiant recommends organizations investigate their network segmentation, and limit
                              unnecessary traffic to highly sensitive environments from lesser trusted environments.
                              This will help prevent an insider from moving laterally or connecting from an internal
                              network segment to a cloud environment. Additionally, all systems that do not need to
                              be publicly facing should be segmented from public access and restricted as much as
                       5.  Offboarding
                          a.  Mandiant  continues  to  remind  clients  who  may  have  to  terminate  employees  or
                              contractors to not give advance notice, limit communications, and remove network
                              access immediately. This is also true if an employee voluntarily resigns or retires.
                              Additionally,  all  SSH  keys,  PEM  files,  MFA,  service  passwords,  and  application
                              passwords the individual had access to should be rotated for all environments (e.g.,
                              developer and production), and unenrolled in the case of MFA services each time
                              when an employee or contractor with these accesses leaves the organization.
                       6.  Assess
                          a.  Mandiant  recommends  organizations  have  an  insider  threat  program  assessment
                              conducted  with  defined,  key  outcomes  of  actionable,  organization-specific  risk
                              mitigation  recommendations,  prioritized  intelligence  requirements  based  on  the
                              current and horizon intelligence landscape, and roadmaps for all maturity levels of
                              insider threat security programs. Assessing annually with different tools can reveal
                              varied areas of focus and identify gaps in capabilities that could be rectified.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                83
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