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                                                              CYBER DEFENSE eMAGAZINE

                                                              Published monthly by the team at Cyber Defense Media Group and

                                                              distributed electronically via opt-in Email, HTML, PDF and Online
                                                              Flipbook formats.

                                                              PRESIDENT & CO-FOUNDER
                                                                      Stevin Miliefsky
                                                                      [email protected]

                                                              INTERNATIONAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & CO-FOUNDER

     InfoSec Knowledge is Power.  We will                              Pierluigi Paganini, CEH
                                                                       [email protected]
   always strive to provide the latest, most
                                                              US EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

      up to date FREE InfoSec information.                            Yan Ross, JD
                                                                      [email protected]

   From the International                                     ADVERTISING
                                                                      Marketing Team
   Editor-in-Chief…                                                   [email protected]

                                                                 CONTACT US:

                                                               Cyber Defense Magazine
   We live in hope that the deleterious effects of the continued spread   Toll Free:   1-833-844-9468

   of COVID-19 will soon abate.  But from month to month, there seems   International:   +1-603-280-4451

   to be a lack of certainty on these issues from those institutions on   SKYPE:    cyber.defense
   which we all rely.                                

   Fortunately, from an international cybersecurity point of view, we   Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine, a division of

   do  see  continued  cooperation  among  the  participants  in  the   CYBER DEFENSE MEDIA GROUP (a Steven G. Samuels LLC d/b/a)

   governmental, corporate, and international sectors.         276 Fifth Avenue, Suite 704, New York, NY 10001

                                                               EIN: 454-18-8465, DUNS# 078358935.

   Whether  it’s  an  issue  of  regulatory  compliance,  civil  and  criminal   All rights reserved worldwide.

   liability,  or  business  continuity,  it  appears  that  the  systems  for

   dealing  with  cybersecurity  challenges  are  holding  up  under  the       PUBLISHER
   demands.                                                    Gary S. Miliefsky, CISSP®

   That’s  a     hopeful  note  for  all  of  us  operating  in  the  international   Learn more about our founder & publisher at:
   arena,  since  so  many  of  our  endeavors  are  dependent  on  the

   continued  ability  of  these  organizations  to  function  under  trying

   circumstances.                                                       9 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE!
                                                                   Providing free information, best practices, tips and
   As  always,  we  encourage  cooperation  and  compatibility  among   techniques on cybersecurity since 2012, Cyber Defense

   nations  and  international  organizations  in  responding  to  these   magazine is your go-to-source for Information Security.

   cybersecurity and privacy matters.                            We’re a proud division of Cyber Defense Media Group:

   To our faithful readers, we thank you,                                CDMG     B2C MAGAZINE
   Pierluigi Paganini
   International Editor-in-Chief                            B2B/B2G MAGAZINE                TV   RADIO  AWARDS

                                                                 PROFESSIONALS               WEBINARS

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                5
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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