Page 4 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
P. 4


            From the


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            Dear Friends,

            Building on the foundation of the May issue and the RSA Special Edition of Cyber Defense Magazine, we are
            seeing focus in the cybersecurity industry move toward resilience and sustainability in the face of the trend of
            more ransomware exploits.
            This is true not only for the prevention segment of the cyber spectrum, but also in sharing information about
            appropriate responses to the growing number of these attacks.  In these cases, the target organization is denied
            access to vital data, effectively bringing normal operations to a halt.

            Where the activities of the target organization include provision of services and products on which critical
            infrastructure elements rely, the ability to recover from such an attack takes on the urgency of national security.

            The crossroads at which we now find ourselves is where cybersecurity and supply chain management intersect.
            The practice of “just in time” delivery without maintaining inventory of critical components must be addressed,
            not only from a manufacture and delivery perspective, but also with due regard to vulnerabilities best addressed
            by effective cybersecurity practices.
            Whether the motive of the hacker is financial or political, our best course is to come together in a cooperative
            manner to build cyber defenses at both the prevention and damage control phases of these pernicious attacks.

            Wishing you all success in your own cyber endeavors.

            Warmest regards,
            Gary S. Miliefsky

            Gary S.Miliefsky, CISSP®, fmDHS

            CEO, Cyber Defense Media Group
            Publisher, Cyber Defense Magazine
                                                   P.S. When you share a story or an article or information about

                                                   CDM,  please  use  #CDM  and  @CyberDefenseMag  and
                                                   @Miliefsky – it helps spread the word about our free resources
                                                   even more quickly

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                4
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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