Page 41 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
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Unfortunately, some in IT may miss that the networks they helped design have security flaws. Further,
            there is an end-user population that has spent the past two decades with little to no concern about the
            risks of the links they may click on or files they download.

            Bitcoin makes hacking profitable
            The proliferation of cryptocurrencies, primarily bitcoin, has made it even easier to monetize cybercrime.
            Previously,  hackers  could  easily  access  networks  and  valuable  intellectual  property,  but  most  were
            lone wolves seeing if they could “crack a network." Bitcoin makes it possible to transfer large amounts of
            wealth     anonymously,      attracting   well-funded     criminal    organizations    and     state-
            sponsored cybercriminals. With the convergence of the dramatic growth of the internet, cyber thieves
            have  seen  a  way  to  monetize  industrial  hacking  that  has  created  an  explosion  in  criminal
            activity. According  to  research  conducted  by  Cybersecurity  Ventures,  cybersecurity  experts  have
            predicted that cybercrime will cost the global economy $6.1 trillion annually by 2021.

            Events of 2020

            The global pandemic has created more awareness of the importance of cybersecurity. While it has likely
            been true for several years, many CEOs now realize that their company’s networks are far more important
            than their physical office space. The breach of SolarWinds and FireEye has increased the awareness
            that no single security product is going to keep a network completely secure. In fact, security products
            can be weaponized against their users, exploiting a false sense of security.

            The Talent Gap
            Despite the wake-up call of 2020, the human capital to manage these risks can be insufficient. Since
            2011,  there  has been  a  near  zero-unemployment  rate  in  cybersecurity.  The  2019/2020  Official
            Annual Cybersecurity Jobs  Report. Current  estimates  show  that  there  are  over  three  million  open
            cybersecurity positions that cannot be filled.  We are just beginning to train the next generation of cyber
            professionals. The challenge: cyber crime is expected to grow to $10.5 trillion by 2025, which would
            represent the largest transfer of wealth in history.

            The Path Forward
            With so much risk at stake, we need to make cybersecurity a priority. We must increase awareness of
            the importance of securing the very fabric of our communications and network. It is incumbent upon
            businesses and individuals to acknowledge that attacks occur daily. Good security hygiene needs to
            become de rigueur.
            A cyber attack in the digital world can be just as catastrophic as Pearl Harbor. This is reality, and it’s a
            real concern. Some believe the SolarWinds attack was just such a disaster. Regardless, it was well
            planned and orchestrated, but we may have not seen the full impact and damage yet done.

            We can and must rise to the challenge of securing the network we have entrusted with our most valuable
            assets. More importantly, people must be empowered with information and tools to keep themselves
            safe. We must create a culture of security.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                41
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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