Page 40 - Cyber Defense eMagazine forJune 2021
P. 40

It grew fast

            Few people understood or appreciated the potential behind the early internet. With the release of the first
            web  pages  and  web  browsers,  people  were  able  to  buy  products,  and  email  began  to  replace  fax
            machines. Soon, everyone who knew or understood what it could do wanted to connect, and they did.

            The thought of helping companies become secure was not a priority. Building and expanding the reach
            to the digital doorway of connectivity was the goal. Security was often added as an afterthought and
            optional,  leaving  many  opportunities  for  bad  actors  to  take  advantage  of  an  unsuspecting, naive
            audience.  As the internet grew, many hackers went from being from being curious digital explorers to
            become professional criminals focused on financial or political gains.

            Wall Street financed the growth
            Since the mid-1990s, investors have poured trillions of dollars to expand the growth of the internet. As of
            February 2021, the 10 largest internet companies have a market cap of over $4.4 trillion. Companies
            were financed to expand the reach of the internet into all parts of the global economy and rewarded with
            rich valuations. The term, “build it and they will come,” became very popular. Capitalism incented the
            rapid expansion until the entire economy became an Internet of Things (IOT).

            False perception: Little return on investment (ROI) for security
            Unlike other technology budget items C-level executives are asked to make, it is challenging to calculate
            a ROI for cybersecurity. Since it is difficult to approve a negative spend on an intangible line item, and
            no  amount  of  expense  can  guarantee  a  network’s  safety,  it  is  often  all  too easy to  put  off  security
            spending. This  complacency  can  lead  to  reduced  protection,  increasing  the  likelihood  of
            an opportunistic attack on what cyber miscreants will see as a soft target.

            When a company decides to invest in a cybersecurity solution, it may seem easier to go with a brand
            name or well-known product. Leaders today do not see cybersecurity as a risk, because it is an unknown
            or most times do not understand it. When executives finally realize it is a possible threat or they have
            been breached, they immediately reach for help and want a known entity to solve the problem. In reality,
            many of the most seasoned cyber professionals  -- those that can best help secure their networks --
            operate their own relatively small consultancy and are off their radar.

            Missing: culture of security
            Few outside the relatively small world of cybersecurity truly understand the real risks or are even aware
            of them. Many individuals and even business leaders think that they are generally safe online. Believing
            that by avoiding “bad” websites and not clicking on obvious phishing emails, they are relatively secure.
            We have faith in our institutions and IT teams and believe they will protect us. While IT professionals are
            experts  in  their  field,  they  often  lack  the  training  and  practical  experience  to compete  against  highly
            motivated cyber criminals. While some IT professionals are experts at building and maintaining networks,
            some do not think like a criminal or how someone from the outside might enter their network. They may
            be experts at IT, but they may not be the most qualified to protect their environments from external

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – June 2021 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                40
            Copyright © 2021, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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