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that has now become all too trite, organizations no longer wonder if they’ll be breached but
rather when…and how often.
Our submissions show the conversation has turned a corner, with a willingness to share real
lessons (another word that showed up considerably more often in the 2015 title word cloud vs
the 2014 title word cloud) and specific steps organizations have taken in response to the
changing threat landscape. We are poised to capitalize on real information sharing and
One of the most consistent pieces of feedback from the 2015 US Conference, contrasting past
events, was that this year sessions focused on “real, tangible, directly applicable things I can do
to better perform my job and protect my organization.” There was a real sense of empowerment
and, dare I say, excitement across the week that was reflected in feedback as attendees
appreciated sessions weren’t just focused on “what’s wrong…and that’s bad”, but rather
solutions and experiences. RSA Conference APJ looks to match that same experience for our
attendees based on the lessons and perspective reflected in the submissions.
Rounding out our big trend increases, as observed through submissions, is the Internet of
Things (IoT). The interconnectedness of everything is clearly on minds as submitters explore
the implications of this brave new world. In region our submitters observed the impact of the IoT
on cloud and mobile approaches and processes, both strong areas of focus in region—even
more so than in the US, as evidenced by their steady hold as a percentage of submissions.
Topically we saw certain distinct declines this year in submission as well, all three of which
seem to support a maturation in how organizations approach security.
• The number of times Bring Your Own Device, or "BYOD," appeared in submission titles
declined significantly. This seems to be a product of organizations just accepting external
devices coming into enterprise networks and, vice versa, enterprise tools being used on
home networks. Organizations seem to have evolved in their concept of what they need to
be aware of and protect and no longer look at BYOD distinctly.
• Likewise, APT as a distinct term seems to have peaked (globally) last year. Recall that
“threats” as a general category is up—way up in APJ—but the distinction of different threats
as more (or less) advanced than others seems to be on the decline.
• Lastly, as with a trend we saw in the US, the focus on compliance seems to be down. A
compliance dismissive tone seemed prevalent. Perhaps the breaches of 2014 established
clearly that compliance does not equal security. It’s an interesting shift from past years.
There you have it—what’s trending up and trending down in APJ, as analyzed through the RSA
Conference APJ submissions! We are extremely excited about the content to be shared and its
direct applicability to our Asian Pacific-based attendees. Please follow our Quick Looks and
early deck postings to assure you’re in the best position to get the most out of this year’s
50 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – June 2015 Edition
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