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P. 21

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By Josephine Rosenburgh

What happened after I created that infinite encryption algorithm?

I got on with other things. (Before I created it, however, I did spend a little time working on
basic password creation systems. They were not easy to use.)

Eventually, I saw a video which talked about the writing of e-books. Then it clicked. I knew
exactly how the true password creation system would have to be created to give extreme
security whilst allowing great ease-of-use in its forming by the average person. I had already
done most of the hard work so it was just a case of bringing out the elusive algorithm that no
one has ever seen before.

I was able to weave the vital simple pattern that the grid needed. This would effectively give
the same level of security as someone randomly typing out a new set of characters every
time they wanted a new password. With enough characters in the grid there is no way for
anyone to attempt all the combinations of the password if we make the password long

There is only one true grid in the universe which will allow this.

Prior to that point I had been struggling with passwords just like anyone else. I didn't bother
using any of the basic systems I created because they weren't efficient enough for me to
commit to for the rest of my life. However, they did form a basis.

The grid doesn't look astoundingly fantastic because it is so simple for the average person to
reproduce. It is the hardest encryption algorithm that I have ever had to create but because it
is so super, super efficient the grid doesn't look complicated at all.

What is the difference between Eternity 2 and my infinite algorithm? Eternity 2 is a physical
jigsaw puzzle. Being physical there must be a finite number of wrong solutions. The
inventors did not invent an algorithm and expect solvers to guess which one they had
invented out of an infinite number.

There are infinitely many algorithms that provide infinitely many permutations. The key is
knowing which ones are the most efficient. This gives the key to unlocking the obscure one
true algorithm which correctly and efficiently encrypts passwords. (In other words as a result
of finding an efficient infinite algorithm I found the password encryption algorithm, which was
close by.) In forming it I was doing the reverse of what I had done in forming my infinite
encryption algorithm and it's only now that I realize it.

I didn't use a computer to formulate that infinite algorithm because it is not a
computing/mathematical problem. It is a design problem. Flowers, for instance, are not
mathematical problems. They are design problems. In other words they are infinite design
problems and not mathematical problems. When you look at a flower you are looking at the
work of a cryptographer from the beyond.

So, effectively, I built my own flower.

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