Page 36 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 36

At times I have heard the analogy  that cybersecurity  is like a chess game. I would argue in chess you
            see the whole territory, or in this case the chess board. You know where all the pieces are, and you know
            how they are allowed to move. I think chess is too black and white, pardon the pun, related to the colors
            of the chess board. I think our craft is more like a series of poker hands, where we are making probabilistic
            bets based on incomplete data sets. Similar to only seeing your cards in poker and only the hands played
            by your opponents.

            With that in mind, let's explore the pivotal insights from the conference,  focusing on the implications of
            AI, data governance, geopolitical threats, quantum computing, and the importance of resilience in modern

            Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

            Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerged as a central theme, with over 100 sessions dedicated to exploring its
            impact on cybersecurity.  The discussions  highlighted  both  the opportunities  and challenges  presented
            by AI. Experts emphasized the necessity of distinguishing generative AI from other AI types and explored
            how large language models can enhance cybersecurity tools. AI's dual nature, acting as both a defender
            and a potential threat, was a recurring topic.

            CrowdStrike  CEO  George  Kurtz  underscored  the  critical  need  for  adopting  AI-driven  next-generation
            Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions to stay ahead of cybercriminals. AI's ability
            to predict and prevent cyber threats before they manifest is seen as a game-changer. However, concerns
            about "shadow AI," akin to shadow IT, were raised, stressing the importance of monitoring and regulating
            unauthorized AI applications within organizations.

            Data Governance: The New Cybersecurity  Perimeter

            Ten years ago, we started to analogize the data is the new oil. Given data may empower, but also imperil,
            I would suggest that day is the new uranium. Would you like to know where your uranium is?

            As  organizations  increasingly  digitize  their  operations,  data  has  become  the  new  perimeter  in
            cybersecurity. I’m plagiarizing myself when I state “The World Bank defines governance as “the manner
            in  which  power  is  exercised  in  the  management  of  a  country’s  economic  and  social  resources  for
            development. Governance has been defined as the rules of the political system to solve conflicts between
            actors and adopt decision  (legality).”  Galileo Galilei, the Tuscan  physicist, mathematician,  astronomer,
            and philosopher who contributed to the Scientific Revolution, once said, “Wine is sunlight, held together
            by water.” We can translate that into, “Resilience  is execution, held together by governance.”  The RSA
            Conference 2024 brought data governance to the forefront, addressing the complexities of managing and
            securing  data  across  different  organizational  levels.  Effective  data  governance  policies  are  crucial  in
            ensuring compliance with evolving standards and protecting sensitive information.

            Speaking of resilience…

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          36
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