Page 35 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 35

The Art of Possible: Redefining Cybersecurity in the Age of Data

            as the New Perimeter

            By Nick Shevelyov, Founder and Managing Partner at

            I have now had the privilege of attending RSA for over 20 years, yet this conference never grows old! My
            RSA  2024  started  on  Sunday,  speaking  with  a  group  of  Cybersecurity  executives  on  translating
            cybersecurity  risks  for a  Board  of Directors.  The  National  Association  of Corporate  Directors  (NACD)
            guidance on this topic came up a number of times, I find it useful, and you reference it as well.

            The conference officially got started on Monday and was themed as "The Art of Possible". The conference
            served as a convergence point for over 40,000 cybersecurity professionals and business leaders in San
            Francisco’s Moscone Center and surrounding areas. This year's discussions delved into the forefront of
            cybersecurity  innovations,  addressing  emerging  threats,  and  the  evolving  landscape  where  data  has
            become the new perimeter.

            My key take-away, there are several important themes evolving in our industry and we have shifted from
            Identity as the new perimeter, to Data being the new perimeter of cybersecurity, and most companies are
            struggling to define that territory.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          35
            Copyright © 2024, Cyber Defense Magazine. All rights reserved worldwide.
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