Page 29 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
P. 29

Recent Attacks

            Late 2023 saw a surge in cyberattacks on OT devices, especially those developed by Israeli companies,
            often  linked  to groups  affiliated  with  Iran.  In  2024,  the  Blackjack  hacking  group  deployed  destructive
            malware called Fuxnet against a Russian company, damaging filesystems and hardware components.

            Where is This Happening?

            Cyberattacks on OT devices are a global issue with significant incidents reported in:

               •  North  America  and  Europe:  Pro-Russia  hacktivists  have  targeted  Industrial  Control  Systems
               •  Israel: There has been an increase in attacks on OT assets developed by Israeli companies.
               •  Russia: Industrial control systems have faced destructive malware attacks.

            How is This Happening?

            Several factors facilitate these cyberattacks on OT devices:

            Weak Security Mechanisms: Many OT systems lack robust security measures, making them vulnerable
            to exploitation through internet scanning tools.

            Outdated Software: OT devices often run on outdated software with known vulnerabilities,  making them
            easy targets for cyberattacks.

            Weak  Passwords:  Poor  password  management  practices  provide  an easy entry  point  for attackers  to
            gain unauthorized access.

            Lack  of  Network  Segmentation:  Inadequate  network  segmentation  allows  attackers  to  move  laterally
            within compromised networks, escalating the extent of damage.

            How Was It Missed?

            The vulnerabilities in OT systems have often been overlooked due to several reasons:

            Legacy Components:  Many OT systems use legacy components that are difficult to update and secure,
            leaving them vulnerable to modern threats.

            Operational  Priorities:  OT environments  traditionally  prioritize  safety,  reliability,  and process  continuity
            over security, leading to delayed patching and updates.

            Convergence with IT Systems: The increasing integration of IT and OT systems has expanded the attack
            surface, complicating the task of securing all components.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          29
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