Page 22 - Cyber Defense eMagazine July 2024
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Crisis of Confidence Among Consumers

            We have entered an era where consumer confidence is waning. According to a recent Cisco survey, 76%
            of  consumers  said  they  would  not  buy  from  an  organization  they  did  not  trust  with  their  data.  This
            sentiment  is  echoed  by  the  81%  of  respondents  from  the  same  survey  who  agreed  that  how  an
            organization  treats  its  data  indicates  how  it  views  and  respects  its  customers.  As  privacy  concerns
            escalate  and  data  breaches  become  more  prevalent,  it  is imperative  for companies  to forge  a  robust
            social contract that places the protection of consumer data at the forefront.

            The absence of such a social contract can lead to dire consequences,  including a significant erosion of
            consumer trust, which is the cornerstone of any successful business relationship. Moreover, companies
            are liable  to legal  and compliance  repercussions  in the event  of data  breaches,  which can  have long-
            lasting negative impacts on their reputation and financial standing.

            Companies must embrace a privacy policy written in plain language.  It should be obvious to the reader
            what data a company collects, uses, shares, and discloses  about them. Transparency  builds trust with
            consumers  and  trust  delivers  loyalty.  The  irony  being  that  “loyalty”  programs  are  some  of  the  worst
            offenders, in terms of, a lack in transparency  to their consumers. Practical steps can make a difference
            without much effort. Privacy policies easily found on website landing  pages. Use plain language that is
            easily  accessible  and  understandable  for consumers.  By  doing  so,  companies  can  demonstrate  their
            commitment  to  data  responsibility  and  build  consumer  trust,  an  asset  in  building  deeper  brand

            Recent Data Breaches

            Businesses today thrive on a global infrastructure through the exchange of data. They collect, store, and
            share  massive  amounts  of sensitive  information  like customer  emails,  addresses,  and  Social Security
            numbers, aiming to ensure the best customer service is maintained while also adhering to data protection
            and privacy laws.

            However,  the  recent  cyberattack  on  Change  Healthcare  serves  as  a  reminder  of  the  importance  of
            harnessing data responsibly. This breach, poised to become the largest health data compromise in U.S.
            history, was precipitated  by unauthorized  network access.  The attackers  exploited an application  used
            by staff for remote system access, deploying ransomware that ultimately led to credential compromise.

            This breach highlights how thin of a line these businesses walk as the attack has impacted 129 million
            individuals and 67,000 pharmacies globally, including all our military hospitals around the world.

             Enhancing Data Security and Consumer Trust

            To  enhance  data  security  and  foster  consumer  trust,  organizations  must  strike  a  delicate  balance
            between  harnessing  data  for  business  growth  and  upholding  ethical  standards.  Organizations  must
            develop  frameworks  that  not  only  enable  data  sharing  but  also  adhere  to  stringent  data  protection

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – July 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          22
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