Page 97 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 97

but the case is if such a behavior is not restricted at its beginning it can cause the serious troubles the
            later on if that person does not quit with such habits. In other words, those individuals could continue
            playing  “no  one  would  see  me”  game  and  get  the  real  concern  to  their  surroundings.  Any  security
            professional would recognize it’s all about someone who would cope with the deep need to hide his
            identity  and  those  habits  could  get  adopted  early  in  the  childhood.  So,  in  order  to  prevent  the  new
            generation of weird adults it’s needed to follow the progress of the children not only through schooling,
            but rather via the social activities. So, if the strict questions with the psychology’s interview are made and
            if anyone is reporting about such a strange behavior some measures of teaching should get applied.
            Practically, the next step in such a development could be that such individuals could figure out that the
            phone line with the changed voice is not that interesting toy any longer, so some kind of the transmission
            into the cyberspace could work better.

            The fact is the computer with the internet connectivity could provide us a plenty of opportunities to remain
            hidden  behind  some  profile  or  account.  In  addition,  there  are  the  entire  anonymity  solutions  being
            developed that can serve to stay anonymous and still in position to share your story or content with many.
            Indeed, these sorts of the systems could get used for the security purposes when needed to protect your
            identity and exchange some vitally important information. So, the phone with the tissue on is for the kids
            – the real hackers would rely on so sophisticated cyber infrastructure. From such a point of view, it’s only
            the business and many would do that for the money, but there are still so many unhealthy minds that
            would choose their victims in order to do bullying or provide the fake news to the communities. The main
            concern with the Darknet anonymity systems is that they would be the role-based ones and they would
            use the quite strong encryption, so if on the inaccessible spots there would be some difficulties to confirm
            the identity of the information sharer. We would say the places that are not easily approachable for a
            reason we would get in mind the terrorist groups that would take advantage over such well-developed
            systems and send the disinformation wherever they can. In other words, the innocent kid’s game could
            lead to the serious security concern, so from this perspective – the Pandora box would get opened as
            there would appear so many questions pointing the motives of the heavy cases to commit so harsh

            Even the kid can get how significant can be to appear as the trusted person and they can try to imitate
            the voice of the adult people in order to trick or confuse someone. The similar situation is with the Darknet
            asset as so many its users would recognize the power of the trusted account or at least convincing
            someone that they are the trusted persons. If anyone accepts that he is talking to the trusted individual
            he can give the information he normally would not and the bad guys could use such a campaign to collect
            the intelligence and figure out something they would never do. The timing and accurate information can
            mean the victory in the war, so it’s from the strategic significance to adopt the measures and techniques
            in order to prevent, observe and respond to such and similar cases in the practice.

            Who is from another Side of Cord?

            Doing some anonymity operations the bad guys would go through some experience believing something
            so important is happening on. Possibly they would develop those needs in the childhood and they would
            cope with the very vivid inner experiences that would motivate them to proceed with such an activity.
            Their motto could be that no one would even get who is on another side of the cord, so from their point
            of view it may appear as quite exciting and interesting doing so. The aim of the terrorism is to spread the
            fear and panics amongst the community members, so that’s why someone with the vivid imagination
            would make so horrifying stories that would get used to intimidate the quite broad population. Probably
            that special effect suggesting that – I know you, but you do not know me! – would deeply motivate the
            bad guys to believe they have some sort of the power over other people’s lives and security. It’s quite

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         97
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