Page 81 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 81

Should We Be Worried About Vehicle Hacking?

                                                And what can we do about it?

                                                      By Martin Banks

            With more connected devices than ever, cybersecurity is a more prominent issue today than ever before.
            You'll see articles and discussions about security for computers, smartphones and wearables, but these
            may not cover everything. As more vehicles are including internet-based functions, should we be worried
            about vehicle hacking?

            Ten years ago, this question would seem like nothing but science fiction. Now that we're on the cusp of
            the driverless vehicle revolution, though, it may require some attention. Here's a closer look at connected
            cars and whether they present a cybersecurity risk.

            The Rise of the Connected Car

            To  understand  the  gravity  that  vehicle  hacking  may  present,  you  first  have  to  know  how  prevalent
            connected  vehicles  are.  When  you  look  at  the  data,  you  realize  these  technologies  may  be  more
            widespread than you thought. There were more than 50 million shipments of connected cars in 2019, up
            45% from the year prior.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         81
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