Page 78 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 78

COVID-19 And the Easyjet Hack - A Perfect Phishing


                                              By Shachar Daniel, Safe-T’s CEO

            As if the airline industry didn’t have enough to worry about at the moment, on May 19, EasyJet, the UK’s
            biggest budget airline announced it had been breached. Exposed in the attack were the email addresses
            and travel information for 9 million customers. A small group of customers also had their credit card
            details, including the CVV, exposed in the attack which lasted from October 2019-March 2020.

            Although EasyJet first learned about the attack in January, they only began informing those customers
            whose credit card information was exposed in April. The airline said they did not disclose the attack earlier
            due  to  the  complexity  involved  in  piecing  together  which  systems  and  which  individuals  had  been
            affected.  According  to  the  UK's  Information  Commissioner's  Office,  “This  was  a  highly  sophisticated
            attacker. It took time to understand the scope of the attack and to identify who had been impacted."

            Bad Timing - COVID-19 and Airline Scams

            The EasyJet hack just happens to come at a spectacularly rotten time, as airlines around the world,
            EasyJet included, are dealing with severe losses due to COVID-19. According to Dr Jason Nurse of the
            Kent Interdisciplinary Research Center, “It is clearly a difficult time for the travel industry considering the
            impact of COVID-19 on operations. A cyber-attack is the last thing an airline would want to deal with

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         78
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