Page 131 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 131

Fig 1: AI Meme

            This article documents the several security and hacking methodologies infrastructured in Crypto. A good
            number of security policies and frameworks have been implemented to help secure the systems.

            The Root

            The  developmental  strategies  involved  are  loosely  adhered  to  and  inspired  by  the  control
            strategies/countermeasures discussed by one, Charles P. Pfleeger in the book “Security in Computing”.
            According to Fig 2 we can deal with cyber attacks in the following ways:

               1.  prevent it, by blocking the attack or closing the vulnerability
               2.  deter it, by making the attack harder but not impossible
               3.  deflect it, by making another target more attractive (or this one less so)
               4.  mitigate it, by making its impact less severe
               5.  detect it, either as it happens or some time after the fact
               6.  recover from its effects

            “Prevention is better than cure!” Ensuing that statement is what is aimed to be accomplished, since it’s
            always better to prevent an attack, than building back upon its wreckage. The aforementioned strategies
            are implemented in several different ways, of which, an example is the Intrusion Detection System, that
            helps detect anomalies and intrusions and direct it to honeypots or isolated networks, in turn incorporating
            a pooled approach of the control strategies.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         131
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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