Page 130 - Cyber Defense eMagazine for July 2020
P. 130


                            An Amalgamation of Cyber Defense and Ethical Hacking Mechanisms

                                                     By Staford Titus S


            Security on its own is a misnomer in this technological and (for the most part) cybernated era. Cyber-
            Security has emerged as a crucial factor in protecting almost every, or atleast the online aspect of human
            lives. The preponderance of electronic devices used are computers, including mobile phones, Smart TVs
            and  even  smart  watches,  all  of  which  contain  personal  or  business  data.  Cybercrimes  take  place
            ubiquitously,  wrecking  havoc  by  causing  loss  and  sometimes  even  misuse  of  these  information.
            According to RiskIQ’s 2019 Evil Internet Minute, cybercrimes cost around $2.9 million dollars to the global
            economy every minute. This invokes the necessity to secure data, to prevent it from being stolen or
            compromised.  It  is  thus,  unerring  to  assume  that  cybercrimes  are  imminent,  and  hence,  preventive
            countermeasures are required to be set in place to sail above these turbulent waves of cyber-attacks.
            Centralizing  this  theme,  initialised  the  development  of  Crypto.  The  idea  involves  developing  an  AI
            assistant that is capable of implementing secure policies using built-in security tools and also aid in ethical
            hacking  operations.  For  those  of  you,  for  whom,  on  reading  the  word  AI,  nightmares  of  AI  world
            domination are imminent:

            Cyber Defense eMagazine –July 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                         130
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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