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be used  for an information  protection  either being  with a device  or any transmission  of the data via a
            communication  asset, so far. In other words, this effort is going to stress out some terror challenges, as
            well as explain why a serious cyber security like a cryptology must be applied in a case of the combating
            terrorism that as any crime area must rely on a cutting-edge technology.

            The  terrorism  by  itself  is  not  a product  of  the  modern  time  as throughout  history,  there  have  always
            existed groups, movements and organizations  which aim has been to shake ongoing law and order and
            take control over some approved countries territory.  For instance, there are some findings which might
            suggest that even in the Middle Age in Europe there had been the entire chords of the arson terrorists
            that could  literally burn  the entire villages  in order to frighten  common  people and attempt  to ruin that
            state’s  governance  over  such  a  geographical  area.  Those  villages  had  been  a collection  of  the  poor
            people and in other words, there had been nothing to get robbed, but more likely those attacks had been
            done in order to intimidate the folks and cause an unrest within such a country. The system of the past
            had so many difficulties to smash those groups as in that time, the world had not been at a today’s stage
            of the development  and the barbarism had been a usual thing in even the most progressive societies of
            such an era. Even nowadays  the situation is not a bit better as anyone being with barbarian approach
            can attempt  to intimidate  anyone  literally putting  the entire super-forces  and forces worldwide  under a
            quite unpleasant  condition.  The  mission of any country  is to protect  their innocent  civilians  from being
            hurt  and the  terror-makers  would  know  that  well enough,  so  for such  a reason  they  will push  hard to
            exploit  the  gravest  vulnerability  any  nation  has and  those  are  the lives  and  wellbeing  of  the innocent
            civilians, so far.

            From a current point of view, it seems the history will always give some lessons and as there is a defense
            system of today, there was something  similar within the past epochs. To clarify,  in the past the human
            communities had also dealt with the well-trained worriers who could then ride a horse and be skilled with
            a wide range of the weaponry of such a time. Those soldiers had needed to cope with the spots where
            they could adopt such a skill and from a modern perspective, those were the very first terrorist campuses
            being used to train men getting a combating  capacity,  as well as dealing with that time logistics,  arms
            and secret  communication  which  had been delivered  through  the land. Also,  if that  sort of the bandits
            could  cut anyone’s  correspondence,  they  truly had done  so. The majority  of their  curriers  had used a
            cryptography of that age and even if such authorities could catch their message delivery, they could not
            figure  out their  plans  as the entire  communication  had  been  ciphered.  For such  a purpose,  the  terror
            groups had applied a piece of the paper and sometimes some animal skin in order to camouflage what
            they  really  want  to  do.  Apparently,  the  state  authorities  had  also  needed  to  use  some  kind  of  data
            protection as then it had been necessary to bridge long distances in order to let know anyone being such
            a far away what is all about. Further, those were the very first days of the escort as not only the important
            persons of that time had gotten their personal security, but most likely an official information transfer had
            coped  with  cryptography,  as  well  as  with  physical  assurance.  With  a  very  beginning  of  the  country
            governance, there had appeared the very first laws enforcing people to deal by rules. If anyone through
            the  history  has  been  disobeying  about  such  limitations,  that  person  would  suffer  restrictions  and
            consequently some punishments. Those things have been introduced in order to show everyone the state
            rulership  over  some  territory  must  be  accepted  and  anyone  not  being  willing  to  cope  with  those
            requirements  has gotten in touch with extremely serious implications.  The very first legal regulations in
            Europe had been that strict to prolong a methodology eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth to those who would
            even believe to commit crime and remain unsanctioned.  The main reason why the human beings have

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – January 2024 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          77
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