Page 32 - Cyber Warnings
P. 32

How to develop the network of information sources?

The Police of today are supposed to rely on many good practice methods in sense of their
investigative work as well as preventive activities. One of the quite important things either with
the investigations or preventive measures is a source of the information. Developing a network
of the qualitative sources may be so significant to the investigative process, so you should try to
select those persons very carefully and to follow some criterion procedures. Also, the preventive
policing may seem as so suitable to deal with the sources which would have the first-hand
information about some suspicious activity or possibly the committed crime. Nowadays the high-
tech way of the information collecting may be equally important as the physical gathering of the

The Police work is supposed to get obtained with the full discretion and the details about the
cases are highly confidential. Today’s investigations must be convenient to the interviewees
offering them to communicate with the authorities from any secure place. It’s clear that this is
possible through the use of cyber technologies and special interactive systems available via the
computing devices. The crucially important stuff with any case is a good source capable to
provide the accurate and the right time information to the investigators. Also, the Police want to
rely to the qualitative sources in terms of their preventive work. In other words, they would
collect the information so skillfully and carefully from the selected persons trying to follow the

Type of sources / The quality of The level of data The timing of the
Type of information information accuracy information

This source may Even ad hoc sources The ad hoc source
provide the may provide the cannot guarantee the
qualitative accurate information, perfect timing of the
information from time but it depends from information unless
Ad hoc
to time, but it’s not the case to case. it’s not always
the one we could rely available.

This source would Being the reliable This source is mostly
respond to the source does not available and it
request so frequently mean dealing with always may offer
which would not the most accurate something, so its
Reliable classify it as the best information, but it’s timing may be quite
informed one. possible to obtain so good.

This is the highest This source is The trusted source is
level source which supposed to offer the supposed to deal
could respond to the most accurate with the high level of
requests regularly information; accuracy and may
being capable to otherwise it would provide the good
offer the most not belong to such a information at the
acceptable category. right time.

32 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – February 2016 Edition
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