Page 53 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
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AirWatch BYOD Solutions

AirWatch® enables unprecedented device choice and supports tablets and laptops. Define devices eligible for enrollment with
the device ownership models you choose without compromising custom device whitelists and blacklists.
the security and management of your mobile fleet. AirWatch
provides a flexible model for asset management, policy Access to Corporate Resources
enforcement, and distributing profiles, apps and content, based AirWatch�s simple enrollment process provides a consistent
on device ownership type. agent-based flow for major platforms. Once users are
authenticated, profiles, applications and content are configured
With the consumerization of mobility, many enterprises are automatically based on the user and device ownership type.
turning to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs, or a AirWatch enables secure access to enterprise resources from
hybrid approach including deployed corporate-owned devices employee-owned devices.
and a BYOD program. By enabling a BYOD program, or taking
a hybrid approach, enterprises allow employees access to Provide employees connections to intranet sites and corporate
corporate resources from anywhere, increasing productivity and content, apps, Wi-Fi, VPN networks and more from their mobile
driving employee satisfaction. Securing employee-owned devices by pushing profiles automatically or on-demand.
devices and supporting different mobile platforms, however, can AirWatch also empowers your employees and reduces the
create complex issues for IT departments. AirWatch supports burden on IT with our self-service portal.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs by enabling
unprecedented device choice and supporting the device Removing Corporate Resources
ownership models you choose without compromising the Administrators can remove access to corporate email, Wi-Fi and
security and management of your mobile fleet. VPN when an end user un-enrolls or leaves the company.
Remove internal apps and corporate content from devices upon
Device Choice end user departure. Finally, perform an enterprise wipe without
AirWatch supports all major mobile platforms, allowing you to affecting personal content on the device.
implement a flexible BYOD program. Your employees can
choose from the latest makes and models for their smartphones, �The Best Product in BYOD Security for 2014 � - CDM

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