Page 51 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
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Agiliance RiskVision

Cyber-attacks, insider threats, monetary fraud, and data On-Demand or On-Premise - Deliver your Integrated Risk
breaches – affecting some of the world�s most renowned Management solution however you need, and know the same
organizations – make headlines every day. At the same time, the quality and service is available either way.
worst economic downturn since the 1930s has focused intense
attention on inadequate risk management and the effectiveness Common Control Framework™ - Leverage cross-mapping of
of governance practices. The key to addressing these complex, controls between regulations and frameworks to eliminate
interlocking problems, organizations need a context-aware, redundancy and enable "test-once and comply-to-many."
scalable risk management solution that enables them to make
risk visible, measurable, and actionable across financial, Data Model Flexibility - The Agiliance RiskVision database
operational, and security domains. The Agiliance RiskVision schema is extremely flexible and extensible, allowing for big data
platform can be leveraged for both Governance Risk aggregation, relationship inheritance, propagation, correlation,
Management (GRM) and Security Risk Management (SRM), and dynamic grouping across all data attributes.
providing organizations an integrated view of risk by
harmonizing multiple frameworks to marry top-down risk Performance and Scalability - Ensure compliance and risk
modeling for regulatory audit compliance with bottom-up accuracy with 100% people attestation and asset monitoring in
controls automation for closed-loop threat, vulnerability, and real-time, scaling to 1,000s of users and 100,000s of assets.
incident remediation. Agiliance RiskVision is a purpose-built,
context-aware software platform that transforms risk Patents - Take advantage of ongoing innovations like U.S. Patent
management into a pro-active, collaborative, and real-time No. 7747494, "Non-Determinative Risk Simulation" and U.S.
discipline. Risk is influenced by three key factors: compliance Patent No. 7752125, "Automated Enterprise Risk Assessment"
posture, threats and vulnerabilities, and business impact. that provide better, faster answers.

J2EE Open Design - Incorporate a trusted design using Tomcat,
Apache, and RDBM systems into your overall IT architecture, �The Best Product in Risk Management for 2014� - CDM
and use open APIs to extend integration and data reporting with
existing infrastructures.

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