Page 101 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 101

“Humble, passionate and forward thinking,

Brad Dinerman, founder of the National

Information Security Group,,

receives our well-deserved award as

Information Security Innovator of the Year”

- Cyber Defense Magazine

Brad Dinerman
Founder & President, Fieldbrook Solutions LLC
Founder & President, National Information Security Group (NAISG)

Through my work with NAISG and with small- and medium- contributions through fund-raising events. I hope that other
sized businesses, I�ve observed the evolution of IT systems from individuals in the US and in other countries will consider
stand-alone Windows 3.1 computers to diverse, interconnected stepping forward to start a chapter in their community.
systems. I�m pleased that security has become less of an Information on chapter formation or links to existing chapters
afterthought for many organizations, but I still see that there is are at
a long road to travel to convince organizations to invest now
rather than pay later. This �security myopia � is still a major I believe that in 2014 we will see an increase in the detection and
obstacle that organizations must overcome. reporting of cybercrimes. The fact that they are being more
frequently reported is critical, as this helps to raise awareness for
In early 2002, during my search for a venue to learn more about possible other breaches or for other organizations which may
information security, there was no regular forum in the style of not yet have been compromised. In addition to cybercrime, the
a user group for the �everyday� IT admin to learn about ubiquity of mobile computing devices, such as smart phones,
information security. There were a number of formal, chapter- tablets and laptops, will continue to be a major source of concern
based organizations that seemed targeted at security pros and for the integrity of companies� data and protection of
which one could join after paying a membership fee, but these confidential information, but perhaps even more so as malware
could be off-putting to an individual who did not have high-level more frequently targets end-users� mobile applications.
certifications or did not want to sit through vendor-focused Companies must balance the need for employees and business
presentations. In response, I formed the New England partners to remain connected to the network and its applications
Information Security User Group, which gradually evolved into with providing adequate protection for these resources and the
the National Information Security Group, or NAISG. With six data.
chapters in the US (Boston, Dallas, Midland, Minneapolis/St.
Paul and Seattle), as well as forums on LinkedIn and in other In 2002, Brad founded and is president of the National
venues, NAISG still has never charged for membership and Information Security Group (NAISG), a non-profit organization
always instructs its presenters to focus on issues rather than that promotes awareness and education of information security
specific product solutions. I formed it as a non-profit through the support of local and regional chapters. Members
organization whose goal is not just to provide information include IT administrators, managers, law enforcement
security educational and networking opportunities, but also to personnel, the media, educators and students and anyone else
give back to the community in the form of charitable interested in getting or staying on the cutting edge of

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