Page 86 - Cyber Defense Magazine for August 2020
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AI-Powered Hackers and the Increased Pace of Attacks

            Compounding  the  challenges  posed  by  flawed  cybersecurity  solutions,  hackers  are  increasingly
            leveraging automation to diversify their attacks and execute them at an accelerated pace. The AV-Test
            Institute  found  that  over  350,000  new  malware  are  generated  every  day  and  networks  regularly
            experience  thousands  of  security  events  daily–  making  it  all  the  more  difficult  for  human  security
            professionals to sift through all potential threats. Even the largest, most skilled cybersecurity teams can’t
            be expected to handle this load. And when cybersecurity teams successfully detect a threat, they often
            run out of time to respond before hackers have already caused substantial damage.

            Take the 2019 Equifax data breach. In the wake of the breach, Equifax’s security team worked 36-hour
            shifts, which the company’s CISO acknowledged had come at a great cost to the team’s mental health.

            On average, it takes 191 days – half a year – to identify an attack. Without the luxury of months to spare,
            how should organizations adjust their cybersecurity approach?

            A Cyber Paradigm Shift

            In  the  short  term,  adding  more  cyber  professionals  to  IT  teams  can  help  –  but  even  a  large  and
            experienced team won’t be able to compensate for subpar security tools.

            Because today’s  hackers are operating autonomously,  cyber  solutions need  to  do  so,  as  well. Such
            solutions require minimal staff intervention, enabling teams to triage potential security events and prevent
            time  wasted  on  false  positives.  Deep  learning-based  autonomous  solutions  also  offer  powerful
            capabilities  for  detecting  and  preventing  attacks  before  they  are  executed  –  potentially  helping
            organizations save millions.

            It’s little wonder, then, that two-thirds of IT and IT security leaders believe that using automation and
            advanced AI like deep learning, will improve their ability to prevent attacks and that they plan to implement
            these solutions within the next two years.

            While beefing up staffing isn’t a panacea, implementing autonomous solutions isn’t about putting cyber
            professionals out of work. Instead, it’s about putting their essential skillset towards more efficient and
            strategic use while simultaneously tightening and improving existing cybersecurity measures.

            The dizzying pace at which today’s cyber threats are evolving underscores the need for a cyber paradigm
            shift that emphasizes autonomous protection and attack prevention. Humans alone can’t combat the
            hyper-efficient machines hackers are employing. Only when malicious actors’ sophisticated technology
            is met by even more sophisticated technology, will organizations achieve  resilient protection.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – August 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                        86
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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