Page 73 - Cyber Defense Magazine for August 2020
P. 73

Ransomware, Risk, And Recovery

                            Why You Need to Take A Hard Look At Your Corporate Recovery Plan

                                            By Mickey Bresman, CEO, Semperis

            What we as IT and security professionals worry about when planning for disaster recovery has evolved
            over time.

            At first, the major concerns were natural (e.g. hurricanes) or man-made (power failure) physical disasters.
            After 9/11, we included other physical disasters such as airplanes or explosives to the risk list. Today we
            have COVID-19, which has emptied not datacenters but offices as entire economies have struggled to
            suddenly work remotely. Along the way, insider-triggered logical disasters – whether deliberately through
            an angry employee or an “oops” admin mistake – were also added to the list.

            In the last couple of years, however, one cyber threat has eclipsed all the others: denial of availability
            (DoA) malware, including wiperware and ransomware. If you don’t update your business continuity /
            disaster recovery (BC/DR) strategy to be “cyber first” to account for this threat, you’re needlessly exposing
            your organization to potentially catastrophic risk.

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – August 2020 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                                        73
            Copyright © 2020, Cyber Defense Magazine.  All rights reserved worldwide.
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