Page 24 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 24

Security Leaders Are Finally Getting a Seat

             at The Table with Corporate Leadership –

             Make Good Use of Your Time There.

             Looking  to  automation,  engaging  offensive  security,  and  making  the  business  case  for
             building a robust cybersecurity strategy will help security leaders mature their program.

             By Robert Herjavec, CEO of Cyderes

            The cybersecurity threat landscape is vast, complex and ever-changing. It remains a certainty that the
            so-called attack surface – corporate networks, data, wireless systems and critical business processes –
            will continue to expand without letup at public and private companies alike. But for every measure there
            is a countermeasure, and so the deadly serious cat-and-mouse game continues.

            The one thing that has not changed is the need to embrace constant change across the threat landscape.
            We are well into 2023 and already seeing shifts within cybersecurity and the economic landscape that
            affect security leaders.

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