Page 22 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
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more flexible and scalable, you can derive the greatest ROI from your efforts and investments. With a
            flexible infrastructure in place, you are better prepared to adapt and evolve to meet the challenges of an
            uncertain cybersecurity future as they emerge.

            About the Author

            Mark  Evans  is  a  Packet  Capture  Evangelist  and  has  been  involved  in  the
            technology industry for more than 30 years. He started in IT operations, systems
            and application programming and held roles as IT Manager, CIO, and CTO at
            technology  media  giant  IDG  Communications,  before  moving  into  technology
            marketing and co-founding a tech marketing consultancy. Mark now heads up
            global  marketing  for  Endace,  a  world  leader  in  packet  capture  and  network
            recording solutions.

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