Page 111 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 111

Integrating security and privacy engineering in your applications

            It's no secret that data is stolen every day. So much so that you can pretty much guarantee that your
            email address is included in one or more datasets for sale on the dark web.

            What can you do to protect your application and data from the greed of cyber criminals and the scrutiny
            of regulators?

            Scan your code to map your data.

            Modern  CI/CD  pipelines  and  processes  employ  Static  Application  Security  Testing  (SAST)  tools  to
            identify  code  issues,  security  vulnerabilities,  and  code  secrets  accidentally  pushed  to  public-facing
            repositories. You can employ a similar static code analysis technique to discover and map out data flows
            in your application.

            This  approach  maps  out  the  code  components  that  can  access,  process,  and  store  the  data,  thus
            mapping out the data flows without fully crawling the content of any database or data store.

            Enforce clear boundaries for microservices.

            In a microservice architecture, each microservice should (ideally) be autonomous (for better or worse).
            But where does each microservice end and another begin regarding sensitive data?

            You can identify the boundaries for each microservice and its related domain model and data by focusing
            on the application's logical domain models and related data. Then, attempt to minimize the coupling
            between those microservices.

            Shift left for privacy in a distributed world

            Data  security  and  privacy  are  rarely  a  priority  for  application  developers.  So  it’s  no  surprise  that
            application  data  can  float  around  your  cloud  assets  and  on-premises  devices  uncatalogued  and
            unmanaged. However, in 2023 you can’t afford to neglect data privacy laws and potential data security
            threats lurking in your code.

            Mapping the data flows in and out of your application is the first step to shifting privacy left and integrating
            privacy engineering, compliance, and code security in your CI/CD pipeline.

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