Page 110 - Cyber Defense eMagazine April 2023
P. 110

The first step in protecting data is knowing where it resides, who accesses it, and where it goes. This
            seemingly simple process is called data mapping. It involves discovering, assessing, and classifying your
            application's data flows.

            Data mapping entails using manual, semi-automated, and fully automated tools to survey and list every
            service, database, storage, and third-party resource that makes up your data processes and touches
            data records.

            Mapping your application data flows will give you a holistic view of your app's moving parts and help you
            understand the relationships between different data components, regardless of storage format, owner,
            or location (physical or logical).

            Don’t expect an easy ride.

            Mapping your data for compliance, security, interoperability, or integration purposes is easier said than
            done. Here are the hurdles you can expect to face.

            Depiction of a moving target

            Depending on your application's overall size and complexity, a manual data mapping process can take
            weeks or even months. Since most applications that require data mapping are thriving and growing
            projects, you’ll often find yourself chasing the velocity of codebase expansion and deploying additional
            data stores throughout micro-services and distributed data processing tasks. However, you spin it, your
            data map is obsolete as soon as it’s complete.

            The ease of data distribution

            Why do new data stores pop up faster than you can map them? Because it’s so easy to deploy new data-
            based features, microservices, and workflows using cloud-based tools and services. As your application
            grows, so does the number of data-touching services. Furthermore, since developers love to experiment
            with  new  technologies  and  frameworks, you  may  find yourself  dealing  with  a  complex containerized
            infrastructure (with Docker and Kubernetes clusters) that may have been a breeze to deploy, but is a
            nightmare to map.

            The horrors of legacy code

            As enterprises undertake digital transformation of their legacy systems, they must address the data used
            and created by those systems. In many cases, especially with established enterprises, whoever originally
            wrote and maintained the legacy code is no longer with the company. So it’s up to you to explore the
            intricacies of service interconnectivity and data standardization in an outdated environment with limited
            visibility or documentation.

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