Page 219 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 219

While  this  complex  cybersecurity  landscape  has  created  many  challenges  for  businesses  and
            government organizations alike, we are now seeing for the first time a uniform approach to cybersecurity
            being implemented. The current threat landscape also underscored the importance of Executive Order
            14208 and other pending legislation aimed at improving cybersecurity posture. Personal data has evolved
            not just into a commodity, but a means of leverage or even extortion of certain individuals. Data theft can
            mean more than just exposure of sensitive information; it can also seriously impact national security,
            companies or individuals whose reputations and ethics are being exploited. And we must not forget about
            the fatal impact of extortion as a result of data being held hostage.

            All of this indicates that there is an inherent need to update cybersecurity practices toward a method of
            zero-trust, rather than the traditional trust but verify approach. But what does this approach actually look
            like? Companies and government agencies are often sharing upwards of thirty percent of their data with
            third party collaborators – an inevitability of working with other agencies in a digital environment. This
            places the focal point of data security not on the data itself, but rather the governance of ensuring that
            individuals gaining access to this information, are in fact who they say they are. Legitimate figures have
            become increasingly hard to recognize in a digital age, from sources of misinformation, trojan horses and
            rapidly  advancing  ransomware  –  and  in  many  cases,  malicious  sources  have  become  increasingly
            identical in appearance to reputable ones. Solutions like multi-factor authentication have proven effective
            across these areas, many organizations and government agencies have some ground to cover to meet
            the highest security standards through the implementation of advanced identity and access management

            The Nirvana of these solutions would center around the narrative of: What is my most critical information?
            How is it protected? Who has access to it? And who provides accountability for that access? Individuals
            should be able to tier the potential threat level to their data or security, and strategize how to grant access
            to other users, without compromising sensitive information, and finally, be able to disrupt access to this
            information at their own discretion.

            The next definitive phase in cybersecurity solutions will likely be centered around Identity proofing and
            governance of data access, versus what specific data is accessible. Rather than focusing on specific
            entitlements to data for individuals, the solution instead lies in creating a zero-trust environment with no
            exceptions. In other words, instead of continuing the current landscape of de-facto “trust but verify” before
            setting up protection, the order of operations should be carried out in reverse priority, shifting from a free-
            reign approach to more prescriptive access of data and information.

            The cybersecurity challenges for organizations and government agencies alike have only grown the past
            few months. Now is the time to improve upon cybersecurity posture across the board, taking into account
            the proper cybersecurity strategy and solutions built upon the concept of zero-trust. Only then will today’s
            organizations properly protect themselves from bad actors that thrive in turbulent times.

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