Page 218 - Cyber Defense eMagazine Special RSA Conference Annual Edition for 2022
P. 218

Securing  Your  Organization  During  Global


            Repelling Cyber Criminals Trying to Capitalize on a Crisis

            By Kevin Orr, President, RSA Federal

            Current geopolitical crises unfolding around the globe have far-reaching implications. In just a few short
            months,  we have seen change on a global scale, impacting people, business and society as a whole.
            Unfortunately, it is this type of environment in which cyber criminals thrive. As a result, organizations
            today must quickly adapt to new market dynamics, evolving partner and customer relationships and
            changing business operations during these turbulent times.

            At its infancy, the landscape of data security was fairly simple, allowing for an open-door system of
            exploration, protected from hackers by firewalls and other, relatively standard, cybersecurity measures.
            However, as personal data became more and more omnipresent in the digital landscape, so too did
            mining and theft of it. As a result, certain aspects of protection did not keep up, leaving personal data and
            information  more  easily  accessible  for  cyber  criminals  to  collect  and  exploit.  Today,  the  current
            geopolitical crisis combined with the increases in always-on access brought on by trends like remote
            work  and  the  potential  for  everybody  to  interact  with  anybody  has  created  a  much  more  complex
            landscape.  This  complexity  has  also  enabled  opportunity  for  data  to  be  compromised,  creating  an
            inherent  need  for  enhanced  cybersecurity  measures  to  secure  the  copious  amount  of  data  and
            information that is disseminated online.

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