Page 87 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 87

other essential cyber security behaviors) the solution will continue to proliferate. Security awareness training
provides feedback whether the answer was right or wrong. programs must be designed to address the current
Over time, active involvement in the learning process helps spectrum of email, mobile device, social networking and
employees feel more invested, which ultimately translates password related attacks, as well as keep pace with evolving
to better understanding and lower risk. threats. Cloud-based training platforms that feature a wide
array of modules and offer new releases in response to
shifting cyber attack trends can help security officers create
flexible and sustainable security awareness programs.

Long ignored as a strategic ally in the war against cyber
crime, employees are ready, willing and able to take up the
fight—they just need to understand their mission and be
equipped to complete it. While no risk factor can ever be
entirely eliminated, companies that implement new
interactive approaches to security awareness training are
finding that the payout is worth the investment. As
employees learn how to identify and report attacks, they
4. Measure the Results - Security training platforms become invaluable to a company�s defensive as well as
collect user data to help training administrators monitor offensive security posture. All the metrics prove that
completion of training assignments, assess individual security awareness training, when done right, can have a
employee performance and measure improvement, in tremendous impact in reducing risk. The human element
terms of peoples' behaviors and awareness, across the entire is truly the final cyber security frontier—it�s time to rally
organization. Armed with in depth training intelligence the troops.
and easy-to-read reports, security officers can track
compliance, measure the effectiveness of their security Joe Ferrara is President and CEO of Wombat Security
awareness programs and demonstrate positive return on Technologies with over 20 years of executive experience in
investments. leading technology companies. Wombat Security
Technologies helps organizations combat cyber security

“As long as security threats with uniquely effective software-based training
solutions. Wombat offers fully automated, highly scalable

breaches yield software-based training solutions, built on learning science
principles. They offer mock attacks with brief embedded
financial or political training, as well as a full complement of 10-minute software

training modules which have been shown to reduce employee
gains for perpetrators, susceptibility to attack by up to 70%. Wombat is helping

government agencies, Fortune 1000 companies and small to
cyber attacks will medium businesses in segments such as finance, banking,

higher education, retail, technology, energy, insurance, and
continue to prolifer- consumer packaged goods strengthen their cyber security


For more information visit
5. Continue to Adapt - As long as security breaches yield or email [email protected].
financial or political gains for perpetrators, cyber attacks

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