Page 83 - CDM Cyber Warnings February 2014
P. 83

● Ad hominem attacks in any language work – use them
The mirror tweeted of adversary atrocities providing links sparingly
and images that validated the horrendous acts. The mirror ● Adversary use of target audience language makes it
also used data from the adversary interview to discredit very easy to gain audience share
religious authority and question true motives. Motives ● Countering the message is easier than believed if you
fueled by money and the interests of those supplying the have the time, patience and fortitude to maintain the
money. A small movement against the adversary from message
within their own territories (at least virtual) grew from the
ashes of despair. The mirror called out and openly Our adversaries use any information warfare method
threatened the adversaries for their allegiance to others and possible to skew the message. Asymmetrical cyber warfare
not the true cause. Others took up the mantel of attack by way of messaging is an effective method of building
against the adversaries and for a time, drowned out the camaraderie on one hand while creating doubt through
messaging to the point where it was nothing more than demoralizing lies on the other. History is rife with physical
background noise. Noise seen for what it was. Propaganda examples of this from Hanoi Hannah to Tokyo Rose and
and false promises. Axis Sally.

The experiment set the stage for greater analysis The technologies of today provide for instant asymmetrical
surrounding the power of 140 character bursts carried out gratification coupled with photoshopped audio, video and
over a 2 plus year period. The evolution of the mirror was imagery that supports the 140 characters. These methods
sometimes well planned and other times street smarts and are being used daily. These methods target government
pivots. The main points demonstrated where several: organizations, corporations and individuals. During the
week at the RSA Conference, step back and look at the
● Patience coupled with rapid responses is a mix that can messaging coming from a global scale and perspective. Is
work any of this messaging akin to information warfare� Can
● Planning and continued tweaks to the plan in motion you recognize it for what it is�

is standard
● Subject matter expertise is an absolute requirement JSB
● Gaining street credentials takes time – know your Treadstone 71
audience or at least the intended audience
● Know your adversaries tendencies, methods, timing @treadstone71llc
and content tone Since 1982 Jeff has worked in leadership positions organizations
such as General Electric, Lockheed Martin, and Marriott Interna-
● Practicing their methods as yours builds the character tional. He also served as the Security Manager for the Centers
● The use of ghost surveillance builds data, information, for Medicare and Medicaid (LMIT), Chief Security Officer for
Hanover Insurance, the Chief Information Security Officer for
intelligence and knowledge Investors Bank & Trust, and the Director, Office of Risk Manage-
● The creation of other twitter accounts to support a ment for EMC. Jeff is currently Chief Intelligence Officer for
Treadstone 71. In 2007 he was awarded the RSA Conference
mirror is effective award for Excellence in the Field of Security Practices. The
● Slow and steady does in fact win the race Bardin-led security team from Hanover Insurance also won the
2007 SC Magazine Award – Best Security Team. Jeff served in
● 140 character bursts can argue any point without the United States Air Force as a cryptologic linguist and in the
substance or merit United States Army National Guard as an Armored Scout Platoon
Leader (Officer). He has a Master’s degree in Information Assur-
● Propaganda shifts as technology and solutions shift ance while holding CISSP, CISM and NSA IAM certifications.
● The use of a life altering event shared in Web 2.0 will
gain followers

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