Page 27 - Cyber Defense Magazine - Global Print Edition 2018
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at large. When an email is received  notably for variations of your
        from such an entity asking to confirm  domain and subdomain names,
        or update personal or confidential   will help you evaluate whether
        details, the temptation to comply   the risk of impersonation is high. If
        without doubting the origins of the   this is the case, you can take timely
        sender is high.                     precautionary measures  and alert

                                            customers and everybody else.
        But what does all this have to do with
        connected domains? Well, fraudsters
        typically register confusingly similar  4. Malicious Domains Detected

        names to make their phishing  In  an effort to maximize  gains,
        attacks even more credible and less  cybercriminals typically use different
        noticeable. So when you hear that a   websites simultaneously to execute
        famous brand is being impersonated   cyber attacks at scale.  While this
        through phishy emails, you can      sounds intimidating, your  security
        protect your staff with threat      team can actually leverage that
        intelligence  by  creating  a  list  of  all
        domains that are too close to be    approach to uncover networks of
        legit  and block  those  by  putting   fraudulent names.
        corresponding mail servers and IP
        addresses on a blacklist.           For instance, once they have
        2. Dangerous Neighboring Hosts      identified a malicious domain, they
                                            can use threat intelligence to start
        Sharing hosting resources including   looking for answers to questions such
        IP addresses is like sharing a flat or   as: Are domain registration details
        office.  Whatever your  housemates   including names and addresses,
        or  coworkers  do can  disrupt  your   regardless of whether these are
        well-being and ability to live or work   fake or not, uncoincidentally close?
        normally. Similarly, neighboring    Is the same cheap hosting provider
        hosts’ bad practices such as spammy   and infrastructure being used over
        behaviors and fraudulent activities   and over? Even hackers have limited
        are likely to impact your online    imagination and resources.
        reputation and SEO. Worse, internet
        service providers may even decide
        to over-block your website warning   5. Suppliers and Vendors
        visitors against it because others   Last but not least, your cybersecurity
        have misused and abused shared      team can run a threat intelligence
        infrastructure.                     analysis to keep track of the name
                                            variations and registrant information
        Checking connected domains here is   of close business partners.  This   About the Author
        necessary to ensure you do not end   matters because if your staff is already
        up associated with cybercriminals or   unlikely  to  question  the  legitimacy   Jonathan  Zhang
                                                                                 is the founder
        illicit content providers by mistake,   of famous organizations, imagine   and CEO of  Threat
        and therefore protect your integrity   what data might be in danger when   In t elligenc e
        and reliability in the eyes of your   fraudsters impersonate trusted long-  Platform (TIP). He
        customers, suppliers, and the press.  term suppliers and vendors.        has vast experience
                                                                                 in building tools,
        3. Variations  of Your  Domain      ---                                  solutions,  and
        Names                               Bottom line:  Monitoring connected   CIOs,   security
                                                                                 professionals, and
        It’s not just about protecting  domains and the infrastructure           third-party vendors and enjoys giving practical
        yourself from external parties.  behind them is a good example           tips for better threat detection and prevention.
        Security professionals also need  of how threat intelligence enables     Jonathan can be reached online at jonathan@
        to make sure that the name of  organizations to protect their   and at our
        their organization is not used for  online reputation, customers, and    company website
        malicious ends. A thorough check  employees.                   
        of all domains connected to yours,

                                                     CYBER DEFENSE MAGAZINE – ANNUAL GLOBAL PRINT EDITION 2018  – SPONSORED BY TREND MICRO  27
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