Page 24 - Cyber Defense Magazine - Global Print Edition 2018
P. 24
Practical initial steps for enterprise monitoring and
transitioning to a more response operation to hunt
proactive security posture for and respond to threats
include: and breaches across a
network is a cornerstone of
1. Consolidate Your a proactive security program.
IT Security Programs. This operation can achieve
Federated organizations, the visibility required to slow
at times, have multiple down and stop suspicious
IT security programs. By activity in its early stages.
consolidating into a single
program (to the maximum 5. Continuous
extent possible), adoption Penetration Testing. Many
of common standards and organizations test their
enterprise-wide detection systems once or twice a
and monitoring of intrusions year. However, their network
becomes more possible. and infrastructure evolve
constantly. This means
2. Perform Regular they have little to no visibility
Comprehensive into new vulnerabilities and
Assessments. This includes attacks until it’s too late.
performing assessments of Once the basics are taken
IT Controls and Risks to help care of, organizations should
identify where the highest move on to conducting Red
risk impact lies and where Team-Blue Team exercises
control gaps exist. These and carrying out simulated
analyses will also help to phishing campaigns.
drive investment in controls
to close those gaps efficiently A proactive security posture
and cost-effectively. is based upon maintaining
up-to-date situational
3. Raise Cybersecurity awareness at all times. By
Awareness. The human following the steps described About the Author
factor of proactive security above, organizations can Branko Primetica
cannot be ignored. start to develop and maintain serves as the
Employees must be taught a comprehensive view of their President and Chief
Strategy Officer of
how to identify threats and security landscape, mitigate eGlobalTech (eGT), a
malware, and what they must risk before a cyber threat leading cybersecurity
and IT solutions firm
do in response. becomes reality, and identify primarily supporting
what needs to be done to the U.S. Federal
Government. Find
4. Establish a Program improve overall enterprise out more at www.
to Identify and Respond to security.
Threats. Establishing an