Page 62 - Cyber Defense eMagazine September 2023
P. 62

The Importance of Random Number Generators

            There is an unfortunate and surprising problem regarding quantum random number generators (QRNG)
            – our entire universe is quantum, and there is some quantum effect in everything, including coin-flipping
            (which incidentally is not random at all).

            Random numbers are fundamental to all digital security and identity and indeed the entire internet. If
            encryption software requires keys 256-bits long, but the randomness generator we are using is based on
            classical  algorithms,  then  predictability  becomes  an  issue.  Although  seemingly  producing  random
            numbers, these generators can be reverse-engineered and their output calculated, especially with the
            increasing sophistication of machine learning and AI. This can compromise our security.

            In science, randomness indicates an event that cannot be predicted or known in advance, even with
            perfect knowledge of the physical system. The outcome is fundamentally unknowable; not simply difficult
            to guess. Many methods exist for generating random numbers, such as tossing dice or the motion in a
            lava lamp. However, these seemingly unpredictable methods are not as unbiased as we might think.
            Modern computers, adept at finding patterns within a sequence to predict outcomes, can compromise
            these classical and traditional sources of apparent randomness. This is where the power of quantum
            physics shines – it offers truly random phenomena unlike anything in classical physics. In the quantum
            world,  certain  events,  like  the  decay  of  a  radioactive  atom,  are  fundamentally  unpredictable.  This
            unpredictability is not due to a lack of knowledge or measurement precision but a unique feature of the
            quantum realm itself. Scientists can tap into this unpredictability by performing experiments to measure
            quantum  phenomena.  These  experiments  produce  a  fundamentally  unpredictable  and  truly  random
            result. This inherent quantum randomness is crucial for QRNGs, powerful tools for digital security. As
            more QRNGs come to market, they promise to offer the only provably unpredictable events known to
            science, which are essential to fortifying cybersecurity.

            Quantum Randomness and its Role in Security

            Why are random numbers essential to cybersecurity? They are used to generate encryption keys, secure
            passwords,  and  enable  secure  communications  and  data  privacy.  The  foundation  of  all  secure
            technology, invisible as it might be to many users, assumes secure cryptography, and that, in turn, relies
            on random numbers. Quantum random numbers, due to their inherent unpredictability, play a crucial role
            in mitigating the risk of attacks that could compromise our digital security infrastructure.

            Unfortunately, many products today labeled “quantum” may often be more marketing gimmicks than
            scientific facts. Caveat emptor—buyers must demand to know what’s inside their hardware and software
            purchases.  Much  like  the  software  bill  of  materials  (SBOM),  which  provides  a  detailed  inventory  of
            software components to promote transparency and security, the industry is correctly trending towards
            greater visibility in hardware. With QRNGs, you might hear that it is impossible to “prove” randomness.
            However, here are a few considerations to help navigate this evolving landscape:
            1. Vendor Transparency: Demand full disclosure about their technology, particularly about the quantum
            mechanisms they claim to use. Additionally, you should request min-entropy values to help in evaluating

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – September 2023 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          62
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