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The final rule also requires companies to describe their cybersecurity risk management, strategy and
            governance and how they are maintaining and assessing their security program in their annual Form 10-
            K filings. The implications of this new obligation are widespread and will stimulate a new era of cyber
            transparency for investors, the media and other key stakeholders. It ratchets up an already intense level
            of scrutiny on executives, particularly CTOs, CIOs and CISOs, who must now develop and execute yet
            another strategic program to strengthen and report on their cybersecurity posture.

            Building stakeholder confidence through clarity

            The  new  regulations  will  give  investors  and  other  stakeholders  a  new  level  of  visibility  into  the
            cybersecurity approach of the organizations they invest in and follow. By mandating that companies
            disclose cyber incidents, the SEC is giving stakeholders a window into the threats facing enterprises and
            how well and how often they thwart these threats...or otherwise.

            Similar to how external stakeholders now evaluate publicly available financial information to judge how
            well a company executes on its business model, they soon will be able to evaluate how successfully an
            enterprise is implementing its cyber strategy. Historically, cybersecurity has been a relatively obscure
            domain when assessing a business, with information usually coming to light through voluntary reporting
            from affected companies  – sometimes well after the event. For example, a large service provider to
            managed-healthcare organizations reported in March 2023 that a data breach had impacted 4.2 million
            individuals. The incident occurred nearly one year prior to the public disclosure.

            After the new SEC reporting rules take effect, however, the potential repercussions are almost limitless
            to consider. Will securities analysts grill executives during earnings calls about reported data breaches
            or gaps in their security program? Will we see journalists publishing league tables of companies that file
            the most cyber-attack disclosures or grading them on their security control frameworks?

            Strengthening cybersecurity through accountability
            Apart from being required to report material cyber events almost immediately, public companies will also
            need to provide annual disclosures about their cyber risk management strategies and the cyber expertise
            of the company’s executives. This not only adds an additional layer of accountability for companies, but
            also presents an opportunity to strengthen current risk management strategies.

            As organizations think about developing more comprehensive risk management strategies in response
            to  the  SEC’s  admonition,  they  may  want  to  consider  investing  in  performing  an  annual  security
            assessment by a trusted third party. By making certain their organization complies with industry standards
            such as ISO 27001/27002, NIST 800-53 or NIST Cybersecurity Frameworks, business leaders can better
            position themselves and their teams to identify risks, implement controls and reduce the chance for
            trouble in areas of potential exposures.

            Partnering with trusted third parties that track the latest threats — and cutting-edge mitigation strategies
            and tools — can benefit almost any organization. But this tactic can be particularly important for smaller

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – September 2023 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          160
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