Page 139 - Cyber Defense eMagazine September 2023
P. 139

The MOVEit hack serves as a stark reminder of the persistent threats faced by both large corporations
            and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the realm of cyber security. The attack, driven by poor
            cyber  security  practices  related  to  vendor  access  vetting  and  monitoring  to  company  systems,  has
            highlighted the critical need for heightened security measures across organisations to safeguard sensitive

            Hackers took advantage of a vulnerability in MOVEit Transfer, a commonly used software tool for secure
            data transfers. This resulted in the risk of valuable employee information being stolen, including sensitive
            data like national insurance numbers and bank details. The widespread nature of the hack, affecting
            multiple organisations simultaneously, is causing concern among payroll providers globally.

            Preventative action

            The important thing to note here, is that this hack could have been avoided. The MOVEit attack exploited
            vulnerabilities that should have been addressed through robust cyber security protocols. It is imperative
            to  highlight  the  weaknesses  that  allowed  such  an  attack  to  occur,  emphasising  the  importance  of
            proactively fortifying systems against cyber threats.

            First and foremost, insufficient employee awareness and training played a significant role in this breach.
            Cyber  criminals  often  exploit  human  error  and  lack  of  knowledge  to  gain  unauthorised  access.
            Comprehensive  training  programmes  are  essential  to  educate  employees  about  phishing  attempts,
            malware risks, and the significance of safeguarding sensitive information. Simulated phishing exercises
            can help employees recognise and avoid phishing attempts, reducing the risk of successful attacks.
            Furthermore,  fostering  a  culture  of  cyber  security  awareness  within  the  organisation  encourages
            employees to report suspicious activities promptly, enabling faster incident response.

            A lack of regular security assessments and updates contributed to the vulnerability. Neglecting regular
            security assessments and updates leaves organisations vulnerable to exploits, so frequent vulnerability
            assessments are key to help identify weaknesses in systems that hackers can target. Penetration testing
            and vulnerability scanning should be conducted regularly to assess the organisation's security posture

            Patch  management,  too,  is  a  critical  aspect  of  cyber  security.  Organisations  must  prioritise  timely
            application  of  security  patches  to  address  known  vulnerabilities  in  their  systems.  Automated  patch
            management  tools  can  streamline  the  process  and  ensure  all  systems  are  up-to-date.  Additionally,
            companies should establish a clear process for handling urgent patches to minimise exposure to potential

            How strong is your password?

            In addition, weak password practices served as another entry point for attackers. Reusing passwords,
            employing  weak  or  easily  guessable  passwords,  or  failing  to  enforce  multi-factor  authentication
            significantly increase the risk of unauthorised access. Organisations must emphasise the importance of

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – September 2023 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          139
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