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The Symbiotic Nature of ASM and Security Validation

            The  emergence  of  Continuous  Threat  Exposure  Management  (CTEM)  practices  has  helped
            organizations recognize the crucial role testing plays in keeping their systems secure. CTEM refers to
            the ongoing processes of identifying potential exposures, testing how vulnerable they are to actual attack
            tactics, and prioritizing their remediation. It is designed to prompt organizations to evaluate their security
            capabilities on a continuous basis. ASM and Security Validation tools play an important, symbiotic role
            here: ASM is used to generate a comprehensive view of the organization’s attack surface by creating a
            blueprint of potential vulnerabilities and exposures and verifying; while Security Validation takes that
            blueprint and puts it to the test by actively seeking out those exposures to test breach feasibility and
            control efficacy.

            The  goal  isn’t  just  to  assess  where  vulnerabilities  lie—it’s  to  understand  which  can  be  successfully
            exploited  and  leave  the  organization  vulnerable  to  attack.  ASM  can  highlight  attack  paths,  but  only
            validation can reveal whether adversaries can capitalize on them. For example, ASM may indicate a gap
            in coverage for one security solution, revealing what looks like a dangerous attack path. But when tested,
            Security Validation may reveal what appeared to be an exposure is actually protected by compensating
            controls. This confirms that there is no actual path of attack for a threat actor to successfully leverage
            and exploit that vulnerability. In that case, remediating that coverage gap may not be a high priority, and
            the organization can focus on addressing other exposures that are not as well protected and leave them
            vulnerable to attack.

            Now Is the Time to Invest in ASM and Security Validation

            Growing recognition of the need to verify the effectiveness of security controls has driven significant
            innovation in the areas of ASM and Security Validation. Today’s most advanced ASM solutions can
            provide businesses with visibility across their entire organization—including both on-premises and in the
            Cloud.  With  businesses  increasingly  adopting  Cloud  and  multi-Cloud  environments  (and  attackers
            frequently targeting them), it is important for ASM and Security Validation solutions to cover major public
            Cloud providers. Similarly, attacks on containers are continuing to rise, and businesses need to be able
            to secure their Kubernetes environments and validate the efficacy of the controls that protect them.

            Fortunately, as ASM and Security Validation vendors continue to innovate, those capabilities are readily
            available to today’s businesses. It's also important to note that this increased capability around Cloud
            platforms does not remove the need for Security Validation and ASM across on-premises infrastructure.
            Instead,  advanced  solutions  take  into  account  the  various  on-prem  and  hybrid  configurations  and
            evaluate possible exposures both individually, and as a unified architecture.

            Given the pressures to have visibility across cloud and on-premises environments, it is not surprising that
            ASM and Security Validation were hot topics at this year’s Black Hat conference—and new technologies
            like  those  showcased  at  the  event  will  become  essential  for  modern  businesses.  Solutions  like  the
            Cymulate platform build on traditional Security Validation features to include Cloud and Kubernetes attack
            simulation scenarios and templates, allowing businesses to conduct breach feasibility assessment and
            gauge business risk from on-prem systems to the Cloud and back. As time goes on and innovation in

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – October 2023 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          74
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