Page 48 - Cyber Defense eMagazine October 2023
P. 48

Fostering Positive Online Behavior with Moderation Bots

            The effectiveness of moderation bots in influencing user behavior varies depending on the community
            and the incentives provided. In some cases, individuals respond positively to disciplinary interventions,
            especially  when  the  incentive  is  to  avoid  being  banned,  which  often  leads  to  behavior  correction.
            Alternatively,  rewarding  continued  positive  behavior  can  also  result  in  increased  compliance  and
            reformed individuals. However, the effectiveness of incentives varies depending on the community's
            culture  and  the  individuals  involved;  for  instance,  certain  communities  may  exhibit  toxic  behavior
            persistently until they are banned. Moreover, an additional challenge arises from a lack of awareness
            regarding  what  constitutes  inappropriate  behavior,  particularly  among  children  who  may  not  have
            received proper guidance on ethical online interactions due to their upbringing. Thus, education and
            corrective measures play a critical role in improving online interactions and fostering a healthier digital

            However, moderation applications have proven to be effective in transforming user behavior. Joyn's
            community manager, recalls one noteworthy example involving a user who engaged in light spamming,
            which, although not extreme, disrupted the community and annoyed fellow members. Through the use
            of  moderation  tools,  appropriate  actions  were  taken  against  this  user.  Remarkably,  this  experience
            prompted  the  individual  to  reach  out  personally  to  the  community  manager  with  an  apology.  This
            intervention  allowed  for  a  more  in-depth  conversation  about  the  motivations  behind  the  spamming
            behavior and enabled the team member to elucidate the adverse effects it had on the community's flow
            and direction. This powerful interaction highlights the potential for moderation tools to not only correct
            behavior but also to foster understanding and positive change within online communities.

            Collaborative Efforts for Safer Digital Environments

            In a world where online interactions play an ever-expanding role in our lives, the safety of our children
            and vulnerable groups is a shared responsibility. Creating a safe online space requires more than just
            technology; it necessitates the cultivation of a positive and supportive community. Joyn's partnership with
            Discord has yielded innovative tools, servers, bots, and communities that have been instrumental in
            fostering  a  secure  online  environment.  Their  contributions  extend  beyond  technological  solutions,
            encompassing content moderation and community building, all with a focus on safety. By recognizing the
            need for moderation tools, expanding its services, and protecting all vulnerable groups, ensures that
            children and all users can enjoy a secure, safe, and positive internet experience.

            About the Author

            Julie Taylor is the Tech Principal at Joyn Holdings LTD, a pioneering technology
            company dedicated to developing innovative tools, solutions, and cutting-edge
            applications  to  ensure  a  positive  online  environment.  Mrs.  Taylor  currently
            presides over the company's visionary technological strategies and trailblazing
            innovations, which have notably amplified the Discord platform. As a seasoned
            entrepreneur and distinguished tech executive, Julie boasts a remarkable track
            record  of  over  two  decades  of  multifaceted  expertise  spanning  diverse

            Cyber Defense eMagazine – October 2023 Edition                                                                                                                                                                                                          48
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